
Vegetarian tacos with spiced quinoa, kidney beans, chipotle salsa and avocado




For the quinoa  filling

  • 150g cooked mixed quinoa seeds (Lamb brand)
  • 1 small tin kidney beans
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • ½ tsp cumin powder
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • Juice and zest ½ lime
  • Chili flakes (optional)
  • 1 tbsp. chopped fresh coriander leaves
  • 1 tomato, deseeded and finely diced
  • 1 finely sliced spring onion

For the avocado fries

  • 4 frozen avocado halves (Asiago)
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 2 tbsp. chipotle sauce
  • 1 egg
  • 4 tbsp. panko breadcrumbs
  • Salt and pepper to season
  • Vegetable oil for frying

You will also need

  • 150ml fresh cream (Benna)
  • Juice ½ lime
  • 2 tbsp. chipotle sauce
  • Extra fresh coriander leaves and diced tomato decorate
  • 4 small tacos or tortillas


For the filling, mix the quinoa with the remaining ingredient and put aside to chill. To make the chipotle sour cream place the fresh cream and chipotle sauce in a bowl, squeeze in the lime juice and mix together to thicken. Place in the fridge to chill. Meanwhile, prepare the avocado fries. Cut the avocado into chunky slices whilst still frozen and dip to coat in the flour. Next, mix the egg with the chipotle sauce and dip in the avocado, followed by well-seasoned panko crumbs. Heat the vegetable oil till hot then very quickly fry the coated avocado fries till lightly golden. Remove and drain on kitchen paper. Finally, you can put this dish together. Heat the tacos or tortillas and stuff with the quinoa filling, followed by the avocado fries. Drizzle over the chipotle sour cream and decorate the top with extra coriander leaves and diced tomato.

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Tacos veġetarjani bil-quinoa imħawra bil-fażola kidnija, z-zalza chipotle u bil-fries tal-avokado


Għall-mili tal-quinoa:

  • 150g żerriegħa tal-quinoa mħallta msajra
  • bott żgħir fażola kidnija (kidney beans)
  • mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • nofs kuċċarina trab tal-kemmun
  • kuċċarina paprika affumikata
  • meraq u qoxra ta’ nofs luminċell
  • frak tal-bżar pikkanti
  • mgħarfa weraq tal-kosbor frisk imqatta’
  • tadama
  • basla twila

Għall-fries tal-avokado:

  • 2 avokado
  • 2 imgħaref dqiq
  • 2 imgħaref zalza chipotle
  • bajda
  • 4 imgħaref frak tal-ħobż panko
  • melħ u bżar
  • żejt veġetali għall-qali

Ikollok bżonn ukoll:

  • 150ml krema friska
  • meraq ta’ nofs luminċelll
  • 2 imgħaref zalza chipotle
  • weraq tal-kosbor frisk żejjed u tadama mqattgħa
  • 4 tacos żgħar jew tortillas


Għall-mili, ħallat il-quinoa mal-ingredjent li jifdal u warrabha sakemm tiksaħ. Biex tagħmel il-krema taċ-chipotle poġġi l-krema friska u z-zalza taċ-chipotle fi skutella, agħsar fiha l-meraq tal-luminċell u ħawwad flimkien. Poġġi fil-fridge biex tkessaħ. Sadanittant, ipprepara l-patata tal-avokado billi taqta’ l-avokado fi flieli waqt li jkun għadu ffriżat u iksi d-dqiq. Sussegwentement, ħawwad il-bajda maz-zalza taċ-chipotle u għaddas fiha l-avokado, segwit minn frak tal-ħobż panko mħawwar sew. Saħħan iż-żejt veġetali sakemm jiġi jaħraq, imbagħad, aqli malajr il-patata tal-avokado miksija sakemm tieħu kulur dehbi. Neħħi u xxotta fuq karta tal-kċina. Fl-aħħar, tista’ tpoġġi dan il-platt flimkien billi ssaħħan it-tacos jew it-tortillas u imla bil-mili tal-quinoa, segwit bil-patata tal-avokado.  Poġġi l-krema taċ-chipotle u ddekora l-parti ta’ fuq b’weraq żejda tal-kosbor u t-tadam imqatta’ f’biċċiet.

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