
Gluten-free white chocolate and citrus ganache cheesecake




For the base

  • 125g gluten free Maria biscuits (Schar)
  • 100g white chocolate
  • 100ml fresh cream (Benna)
  • 50g candied orange and lemon peel

For the filling

  • 400gcream cheese room temperature
  • 200g sugar
  • 1 tin mandarin segments in syrup (drain away syrup)
  • Zest and juice of an orange
  • 4 sheets gelatin leaves
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 250ml whipped fresh cream (Benna)
  • You will also need fresh oranges and melted white chocolate for decorating


Start this recipe by melting together the white chocolate and cream to form a ganache. Pulse the biscuits and a food processor and mix in the ganache and candied peel. Press this mixture into the base and sides of a lined spring form cheesecake tin. Also to set in the fridge. Meanwhile, pulse together the mandarin segments, cream cheese, sugar, orange zest and vanilla in a processor till smooth , then fold in the whipped cream. In a small saucepan, melt together the soaked gelatin leaves and orange juice then quickly mix into the cheesecake mixture. Pour over the chilled base, even out and allow to set for 2 hours. To serve, remove from the tin and decorate with fresh orange segments and white chocolate shavings.

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Cheesecake mingħajr glutina biċ-ċikkulata bajda u l-ganache taċ-ċitru



  • 125g gallettini mingħajr glutina
  • 100g ċikkulata bajda
  • 100ml krema friska
  • 50g konfettura tal-larinġ u l-lumi


  • 400g ġobon kremuż
  • 200g zokkor
  • Bott flieli tal-mandolin fix-xropp (neħħi x-xropp)
  • qoxra u meraq ta’ larinġa
  • 4 folji weraq tal-ġelatina
  • kuċċarina estratt tal-vanilja
  • 250ml krema friska (mħabbta)


Ibda din ir-riċetta billi ddewweb flimkien iċ-ċikkulata bajda u l-krema biex tifforma ganache. Ħawwad il-gallettini fi processor tal-ikel u ħawwad il-ganache u l-konfettura. Agħfas din it-taħlita fil-bażi u l-ġnub ta’ landa miksija. Ħalliha toqgħod fil-fridge. Sadanittant, għaqqad flimkien il-biċċiet tal-mandolin, il-ġobon kremuż, iz-zokkor, il-qoxra tal-larinġ u l-vanilja fi processor, imbagħad, żid il-krema mħabbta. Ġo kazzola żgħira, dewweb flimkien il-weraq tal-ġelatina mxarrba u l-meraq tal-larinġ, imbagħad, ħallat malajr fit-taħlita taċ-cheesecake. Ferra’ fuq il-bażi mkessħa u ħalliha toqgħod għal sagħtejn. Biex isservi, neħħi mil-landa u ddekora bil-biċċiet tal-larinġ frisk u l-biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata bajda.

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