
Tarjancini with fresh gbejna and prosciutto




  • 400g Capellini pasta (tarja)
  • 1 dried ġbejna, grated (Hanini)
  • 250g mozzarella, grated
  • 3 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
  • 3 eggs, beaten (Le Naturelle)
  • 200g fresh gbejniet (Hanini)
  • 250g sliced Prosciutto Crudo
  • Salt and pepper
  • Vegetable oil for deep frying


Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil and cook the pasta for about 3 minutes stirring frequently to avoid sticking. Drain, rinse and put the pasta into a large bowl along with the grated dried gbejna parsley, grated mozzarella and beaten eggs. Season to taste with salt and pepper and mix together well. Cut the gibniet into quarters and roll in prosciutto. Place a square piece of cling film on the kitchen top, add a  large spoonful of the pasta mixture, place a prosciutto ball on top and cover with some more of the pasta mixture. Roll tightly into a ball and tie together the ends of cling film. You should make 8-10 pasta balls. Freeze for at least for 3 hours to hold shape but not longer as the entre won’t cook properly otherwise. Heat the vegetable oil between 160°c & 180°c, remove the cling film of the frozen pasta balls and deep fry them immediately (still frozen) in batches of 3 for 8 minutes, gently flipping them halfway through. They should be crispy deep brown in color. Transfer on paper towel to remove access oil and let them rest for about 4 minutes before serving.

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Tarjanċini bil-ġbejna friska u l-prosciutto


  • 400g għaġin capellini
  • ġbejna mnixxfa ta’ Għawdex
  • 250g ġobon mozzarella
  • 3 imgħaref tursin frisk
  • 3 bajdiet kbar
  • 200g ġbejniet friski
  • 250g prosciutto crudo
  • melħ u bżar
  • litru żejt veġetali għall-qali


Għalli borma kbira bl-ilma mielaħ u sajjar l-għaġin għal madwar 3 minuti waqt li tħawwad ta’ spiss biex tevita li jeħel. Ixxotta, laħlaħ u poġġi l-għaġin ġo skutella kbira flimkien mat-tursin, il-ġbejna maħkuka, il-mozzarella maħkuka u l-bajd imħabbat. Ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar u ħawwad flimkien sew. Qatta’ il-ġbejniet fi kwarti u rrombla bil-prosciutto. Poġġi biċċa kwadra ta’ cling film fuq il-bank tal-kċina, żid mgħarfa kbira mit-taħlita tal-għaġin, poġġi ballun prosciutto fuqha u għatti b’xi ftit aktar mit-taħlita tal-għaġin. Irrombla sewwa f’ballun u orbot flimkien it-truf tal-cling film. Għandek tagħmel bejn tmien u għaxart iblalen tal-għaġin. Iffriża għal mill-inqas 3 sigħat biex iżżomm il-forma.  Saħħan iż-żejt veġetali bejn 160°c u 180°c, neħħi l-cling film tal-blalen tal-għaġin iffriżati u aqlihom immedjatament (meta jkunu għadhom iffriżati) fi gruppi ta’ 3 għal 8 minuti, u aqlibhom bil-mod biex isiru minn kull naħa. Għandhom ikunu ta’ kulur kannella u jqarmċu. Ittrasferixxi fuq kitchen towel biex tneħħi ż-żejt eċċessiv u ħallihom jistrieħu għal madwar 4 minuti qabel ma sservi.

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