
Easter scone crown with buttermilk, raspberries and white chocolate




  • 180ml buttermilk (Schardinger)
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ½ tsp almond extract
  • 375g plain flour
  • 150g caster sugar
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • Good pinch salt
  • 170g unsalted butter, frozen and grated
  • Zest of a lemon
  • 2 boxes fresh raspberries
  • 50g flaked almonds
  • 150g white chocolate, melted (Icam)
  • Small coloured chocolate eggs for decorating


Start this recipe by placing 2/3 of the raspberries into the freezer to firm up. In a large jug, mix together the buttermilk, 1 ½ beaten eggs (reserve the remaining ½ for glazing) and the extracts and put aside. Next, place the flour, baking powder , salt, sugar and grated butter in a bowl and mix together to a crumb. Make a well, pour in the buttermilk mixture, lemon zest, frozen raspberries and ½ of the almonds and lightly mix together with a large spoon. Do not over mix. Roll out the mixture on a floured surface and cut into 7cm rounds. Brush the tops with the remaining beaten egg and place onto a lined baking sheet, overlapping slightly and forming into a ring. Sprinkle over the remaining almonds and bake in the oven at 205°C for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown. Allow to cool then brush all over with the melted white chocolate and decorate the top with the chocolate eggs, remaining berries and extra lemon zest.

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Scone tal-Għid bil-buttermilk, il-lampun u ċ-ċikkulata bajda


  • 180ml buttermilk
  • 2 bajdiet imħabbta
  • kuċċarina estratt tal-vanilja
  • nofs kuċċarina estratt tal-lewż
  • 375g dqiq plain
  • 150g zokkor
  • 3 kuċċarini trab tal-ħami
  • niskata melħ
  • 170g butir mingħajr melħ
  • qoxra ta’ lumija
  • 2 kaxxi lampun frisk
  • 50g lewż imqaxxar
  • 150g ċikkulata bajda, imdewba
  • bajd żgħir taċ-ċikkulata kkulurit għad-dekorazzjoni


Ibda din ir-riċetta billi tpoġġi żewġ terzi tal-lampun fil-friża biex jissoda. Ġo buqar kbir, ħawwad flimkien il-buttermilk, bajda u nofs imħabbta (irriserva l-bqija għall-igglejżjar) u l-estratti u warrabhom. Sussegwentement, poġġi d-dqiq, it-trab tal-ħami, il-melħ, iz-zokkor u l-butir maħkuk ġo skutella u ħawwad flimkien sakemm isir frak. Agħmel ħofra b’idejk, ferra’ t-taħlita tal-buttermilk, il-qoxra tal-lumija, il-lampun iffriżat u nofs il-lewż u ħawwad ħafif flimkien b’kuċċarina kbira. Tħallatx iżżejjed. Iftaħ it-taħlita fuq wiċċ ċatt bid-dqiq u aqta’ fi ċrieki ta’ 7ċm. Iksi l-uċuħ bil-bajd imħabbat li jifdal u poġġi fuq folja tal-ħami miksija, imrikkbin ftit fuq xulxin biex tifforma ċirku. Roxx fuq il-lewż li jifdal u aħmi fil-forn f’temperatura ta’ 205°C għal 30-35 minuta jew sakemm tieħu kulur kannella dehbi. Ħallih jiksaħ, imbagħad idlek kollox biċ-ċikkulata bajda mdewba u ddekora l-parti ta’ fuq bil-bajd taċ-ċikkulata, frott żgħir li jifdal u qxur żejda tal-lumi.

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