
Dairy-free chocolate puddings jars




  • 480ml almond milk (Alpro)
  • 28g corn flour
  • 50g coconut sugar
  • Pinch salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 50g dairy free chocolate drops
  • 2 tbsp. peanut butter


Reserve 3 tbsp. of the milk and mix with the corn flour and put aside. Next, place the remaining almond milk along with the sugar, salt and vanilla into a medium saucepan and heat till almost boiling. Using a whisk, pour in the reserved milk mixture and whisk vigorously until the mixture boils and has thickened. Remove off the heat, add in the chocolate drops and peanut butter if using and whisk together to melt together. Immediately pour into small jars and allow to chill in the fridge for 2 hours before serving.

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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Vażetti taċ-ċikkulata mingħajr ħalib


  • 480ml xarba tal-lewż
  • 28g dqiq tal-qamħirrun (corn flour)
  • 50g zokkor tal-ġewż tal-indi
  • ftit melħ
  • kuċċarina estratt tal-vanilja
  • 50g drops taċ-ċikkulata mingħajr ħalib
  • 2 imgħaref butir tal-karawett


Ħawwad tliet imgħaref xarba tal-lewż  mad-dqiq tal-qamħ u warrab. Sussegwentement, poġġi x-xarba tal-lewż li jifdal flimkien maz-zokkor, il-melħ u l-vanilja ġo kazzola medja u saħħan sakemm kważi jagħli. Permezz ta’ whisk, ferra’ t-taħlita tal-ħalib riservat u ħawwad sewwa sakemm it-taħlita tagħli u teħxien. Neħħi minn fuq in-nar, żid il-biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata u l-butir tal-karawett  u ħawwad flimkien biex idubu f’daqqa. Ferra’ minnufih ġo vażetti żgħar u ħallihom jiksħu fil-fridge għal sagħtejn qabel ma sservi.

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