Pork Wellington with mushroom crushed potatoes and balsamic red wine reduction
- 1 pork fillet
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic, chopped
- 2 shallots, chopped
- 1 tbsp. sugar
- 3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
- 1/2 glass red wine
- 300g mushrooms
- 1 red onion
- 1 tbsp. butter
- 3 tsp mustard (Colman’s)
- 4 slices ham
- 1 sheet pre-rolled puff pastry
- 1 beaten egg yolk (Le Naturelle)
- 1 large potato
- 3 tbsp breadcrumbs (Tipiak)
- 3 tbsp mushroom sauce powder
- 1 small aubergine
- 2 medium tomatoes
- 2 tbsp green pesto
In a hot frying pan seal and cook the whole pork fillet until medium then remove off the heat. In the same pan, prepare the balsamic reduction, Add in the butter, chopped garlic and shallots and saute`, followed by the sugar and then caramelize. Pour in the balsamic vinegar and wine and reduce by half. Next, rroughly chop the mushrooms and red onion and sauté in butter until soft. Blend into a paste.
Cut the pork fillet into 2 pieces and spread with the mustard, then cover with the mushroom paste. Lay 2 slices of ham on top of each piece and wrap in the puff pastry like a parcel. Brush with beaten egg yolk and bake in the oven at 180°C until the pastry is cooked and golden. Dice and boil the potato until soft, mix in the mushroom sauce and crush together. Use a mould to form into potato cakes on a baking dish, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grill until golden brown. Meanwhile, prepare the side dish. Slice the aubergine and grill. Slice the tomato and layer together with the grilled aubergine using the pesto, forming into 2 stacks. Warm up in an oven for a few minutes before serving with the pork fillet parcels, potato cakes and drizzle the balsamic wine reduction on the side.
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Wellington tal-majjal bil-patata mgħaffġa u bil-faqqiegħ
- flett tal-majjal
- 300g faqqiegħ
- basla ħamra
- 3 imgħaref mustarda
- 4 biċċiet perżut
- folja tal-għaġina tal-isfoll
- isfar ta’ bajda
- 2 sinniet tewm
- 2 basliet żgħar
- mgħarfa zokkor
- 3 imgħaref ħall balsamiku
- nofs tazza nbid aħmar
- patata
- 3 imgħaref frak tal-ħobż
- 3 imgħaref zalza tal-faqqiegħ
- brunġiela żgħira
- 2 tadamiet
- 2 imgħaref pesto
Ġo taġen tal-qali jaħraq, sajjar il-flett tal-majjal sakemm ikun nofsu msajjar, imbagħad neħħi minn fuq in-nar. Fl-istess taġen, ipprepara r-riduzzjoni tal-inbid u l-balsamiku, billi żżid il-butir, tewm imqatta’ u l-basliet żgħar u sajjar, segwit biz-zokkor u mbagħad ikkaramelizza. Ferra’ l-ħall balsamiku u l-inbid u naqqas bin-nofs. Sussegwentement, aqta’ l-faqqiegħ u l-basla ħamra u sajjar fil-butir sakemm tkun ratba. Ħallat f’pejst.
Aqta’ l-flett tal-majjal f’2 biċċiet u idlek bil-mustarda, imbagħad għatti bil-pejst tal-faqqiegħ. Poġġi 2 flieli perżut fuq kull biċċa u geżwer fl-għaġina biex tifforma pakkett. Idlek bl-isfar tal-bajd imħabbat u aħmi fil-forn f’temperatura ta’ 180°C sakemm l-għaġina tkun imsajra u jkollha kulur dehbi. Qatta’ l-patata u għalli sakemm tirtab, żid u ħawwad iz-zalza tal-faqqiegħ u għaffeġ flimkien. Uża forma biex tifforma f’kejkijiet tal-patata fuq dixx tal-ħami. Ifrex fuqhom il-frak tal-ħobż u ixwi sakemm jismaru. Sadanittant, ipprepara l-kontorn. Aqsam il-brunġiela u ixwi. Qatta’ t-tadam u poġġi f’saffi flimkien mal-brunġiel mixwi billi tuża l-pesto, u tifforma f’2 saffi. Saħħan fil-forn għal ftit minuti qabel ma sservi mal-pakketti tal-flett tal-majjal u l-kejkijiet tal-patata. Spiċċa billi xxerred ir-riduzzjoni tal-inbid balsamiku fil-ġenb.
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