
Mozzarella balls with prunes and crispy pancetta




  • 30 mozzarella balls (GALBANI)
  • 30 thin slices pancetta
  • 30 ready to eat prunes
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 30 fancy cocktail sticks


This is a very easy recipe to prepare. Start by laying the pancetta strips on a work surface. Sprinkle over a little thyme over each piece of pancetta. Take a ball of mozzarella and a prune, and wrap up in a piece of pancetta. Thread through a cocktail stick and place on a baking tray. Repeat this process with the remaining ingredients. Drizzle with the oil and bake in the oven at 200`c, for just 10 minutes, to cook the pancetta until crispy. Remove from the oven and serve immediately.

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Blalen tal-mozzarella bil-pruna u l-panċetta


  • 30 ballun tal-mozzarella (GALBANI)
  • 30 biċċa panċetta rqiqa
  • 30 pruna tajba għall-ikel
  • mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • 30 stikka tal-injam


Din hi riċetta ħafifa. Ibda lesti l-biċċiet tal-panċetta. Ferrex ftit sagħtar fuq kull biċċa. Dawwar biċċa panċetta ma’ ballun mozzarella u pruna. Daħħal fi stikka u poġġi f’dixx. Irrepeti l-proċess sakemm tuża l-ingredjenti kollha. Ferrex iż-żejt u sajjar fil-forn f’temperatura ta’ 200oC, għal 10 minuti, sakemm il-panċetta tiġi tqarmeċ. Oħroġ id-dixx mill-forn u servi.

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