
Maltese beef olives

Serves: 4



For the bragioli
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (Borges)
  • ½ onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp garlic granules (Tesco)
  • 1 tsp dried mixed herbs (Tesco)
  • Salt and pepper
  • 2 Maltese sausages
  • 200g minced pork
  • 2 hard boiled eggs, chopped
  • 1 tbsp chopped parsley
  • 4 slices topside beef, hammered
  • 8 rashers smoked bacon
  • 12 cocktail sticks
For the sauce
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (Borges)
  • ½ onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp garlic granules (Tesco)
  • 1 stick celery, finely chopped
  • 1 carrot, diced
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 tsp dried rosemary
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 jar Bolognese pasta sauce (Tesco)
  • 300ml red wine
  • 250g frozen beef stock (Tesco)
  • 1 x 200g tin marrowfat peas
  • 25g whole black olives with stones (Tesco)
  • Chopped parsley for serving
For the potatoes with fennel seeds
  • 4 large potatoes, skins on and scrubbed
  • 2 tbsp olive oil (Borges)
  • 1 tsp dried fennel seeds (Tesco)
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 tsp dried rosemary (Tesco)
  • 1 tsp garlic granules (Tesco)


Start this recipe by preparing the filling for the beef olives. Heat the olive oil in a large pan and fry the onion, garlic and dried mixed herbs together for 4 minutes or until soft. Transfer to a medium sized bowl and season well with salt and pepper. Remove the skin from the Maltese sausages and add to the filling in the bowl, along with the minced pork and chopped eggs. Mix the ingredients together well and put aside. Lay the four slices of beef on chopping board and put 2 rashers of bacon on top of each slice of beef. Divide the prepared filling equally amongst the 4 slices of beef and carefully roll up into the beef olives. Skewer each beef olive with three cocktail sticks to keep them together. Prepare the sauce by heating the remaining oil in a large pan and sauté together the sliced onion and garlic for 3 minutes. Add the chopped celery and carrot and continue to cook for 3 minutes. Place the beef olives in the pan and brown all over for 4 minutes. This will help prevent the filling from seeping out. Add the herbs, bay leaves and splash in the red wine to evaporate. Add in the beef stock, Bolognese pasta sauce and season well with salt and pepper. Bring the pan to the boil, then cover with a lid and allow the beef olives to cook gently for 40 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes with their skins on into slices and place into a baking tray. Drizzle over the olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle over the fennel seeds, rosemary and garlic granules. Bake in the oven at 200`c for 30-35 minutes. When the bragioli are cooked, add the peas and olives to the pan and cook for 5 more minutes. When you are ready to serve, remove the beef olives from the pan and slice each one into 5 or 6 pieces. Spoon the red wine sauce into 4 large serving plates and arrange the sliced bragioli on each plate. Sprinkle over some chopped parsley and serve with the baked potatoes.
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  • mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • nofs basla, mqatta’ fin
  • nofs kuċċarina tewm
  • kuċċarina ħwawar imħallat
  • melħ u bżar
  • 2 zalzett Malti
  • 200g ta’ ikkapuljat tal-majjal
  • 2 bajdiet iebsa, mqatta’
  • mgħarfa tursin mqatta’
  • 4 biċċiet laħam taċ-ċanga, immartellat
  • 8 biċċiet bejken affumikat
  • 12-il stikka tal-cocktail


  • mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • nofs basla, mqatta’ fin
  • nofs kuċċarina tewm
  • zokk karfusa, imqatta’ fin
  • zunnarija, imqatta’
  • kuċċarina sagħtar
  • kuċċarina klin
  • 2 weraq tar-rand
  • vazett zalza tal-għaġin bolognese
  • 300ml inbid aħmar
  • 250g stokk tal-laħam tal-friża
  • 200g bott piżelli
  • 25g żebbuġ iswed sħiħ bl-għadma
  • tursin mqatta’

Għall-patata bil-bużbież

  • 4 patatiet kbar
  • mgħarfa jew tnejn żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • kuċċarina żerriegħa tal-bużbież
  • melħ u bżar
  • kuċċarina klin
  • kuċċarina tewm


Ibda billi tlesti l-mili tal-braġjoli. Saħħan iż-żejt f’taġen kbir u qalli l-basal, it-tewm u l-ħwawar niexfa għal 4 minuti jew sakemm jirtabu. Itfa’ din it-taħlita fi skutella u ħawwarha bil-bżar u l-melħ. Neħħi l-ġilda taz-zalzett u żid il-mili tiegħu fl-iskutella. Itfa’ wkoll l-ikkapuljat tal-majjal u l-bajd iebes imfarrak. Ħawwad l-ingredjenti flimkien u warrab l-iskutella f’ġenb. Poġġi l-erba’ biċċiet ċanga fuq injama u 2 biċċiet bacon fil-wiċċ ta’ kull biċċa. Qassam il-mili fuq il-laħam u ramblu biex tifforma l-braġjoli. Daħħal 3 stikek biex ma jinfetħux. Imbagħad lesti z-zalza billi ssaħħan iż-żejt f’taġen kbir u qalli l-basal u t-tewm għal 3 minuti. Żid il-karfus u l-karrotti u kompli sajjar għal 3 minuti. Itfa’ l-braġjoli fit-taġen u ħallihom jiħmaru għal 4 minuti biex il-mili ma joħroġx. Żid il-ħwawar, il-weraq tar-rand, il-polpa tat-tadam u t-tadam magħsur, l-inbid aħmar u l-istokk taċ-ċanga u ħawwar bil-bżar u l-melħ. Xħin it-taġen jiftaħ jagħli, għattih u ħalli l-braġjoli jtektku għal 40 minuta. Meta jkunu lesti, żid il-piżelli u ż-żebbuġ u sajjar għal 5 minuti oħra. Meta tkun se sservi, neħħi l-braġjoli mit-taġen u qatta’ kull waħda f’5 jew 6 biċċiet. Qassam iz-zalza f’4 platti kbar u poġġi l-biċċiet tal-braġjoli fil-wiċċ. Ferrex ftit tursin imqatta’ u servihom mal-patata l-forn bil-bużbież.

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