Grilled lampuki on basil mash and tomato, olive butter
- 20g capers (Camel brand)
- 30g green olives (Camel brand)
- 6pcs sun-dried tomatoes (Camel brand)
- 150 salted butter
- 2 tbsp. chopped parsley
- 200g Lampuki fillets
- 1 medium sized zucchini, sliced
- 1 large potato
- Few leaves fresh basil, chopped
- Freshly grated nutmeg
In a small bender, blitz together the capers, olives and sun-dried tomatoes into a pate and put aside. Clean the blender then blitz together the salted butter and parsley and blend for 5 seconds. Place the butter on a grease proof paper, roll and place in the fridge to set. Next, heat a pan with a little olive oil and seal the fish on both sides, skin side first. Place on an oven try and finish off under a grill or in the oven for a few minutes. Also, season and grill the sliced zucchini. Peel and dice the potatoes, boil until softened and mash together with a knob of the pre-made garlic butter, chopped basil and nutmeg, season well. To serve, lay the grilled zucchini on your serving plates and spoon on the basil mash. Serve the lampuki fillets on top, a slice of the garlic butter and drizzle over the olive pate`.
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Lampuki mixwija fuq maxx tal-ħabaq, tadam u butir taż-żebbuġ
- 200g fletti tal-lampuki
- 30g żebbuġ aħdar,
- 20g kappar
- 6 biċċiet tadam imqadded
- 150 butir mielaħ
- 2 imgħaref tursin imqatta’
- qarabagħlija
- patata kbira
- mazz żgħir ħabaq frisk
- kwart ta’ noċemuskata maħkuka
- ftit butir tat-tewm
Ġo blender żgħir, ħawwad flimkien il-kappar, iż-żebbuġ u t-tadam imqadded sakemm isur pate u warrabhom. Naddaf il-blender, imbagħad, ħawwad flimkien il-butir mielaħ u t-tursin u ħawwad għal 5 sekondi. Poġġi l-butir fuq karta tal-ħami, irrombla u qiegħed fil-friġġ biex joqgħod. Sussegwentement, saħħan taġen bi ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa u ssiġilla l-ħut fuq iż-żewġ naħat, ibda min-naħa tal-ġilda l-ewwel. Poġġi fuq trej tal-forn u spiċċa is-sajran taħt grilja jew fil-forn għal ftit minuti. Ħawwar u aqleb il-qarabagħlija mqattgħa. Qaxxar il-patata u aqsamha f’dadi. Għalliha sakemm tirtab u mbagħad għaffeġ flimkien ma’ ftit mill-butir tat-tewm magħmul minn qabel, mal-ħabaq imqatta’ u n-noċemuskata, u ħawwar sew. Biex isservi, poġġi l-qarabagħlija mixwija fuq il-platti li se sservi fihom u poġġi fuqha l-maxx tal-ħabaq. Servi l-fletti tal-lampuki fil-wiċċ, b’porzjon tal-butir tat-tewm u l-pate taż-żebbuġa fuq kollox.
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