Gluten-free neonati fritters with tartare sauce
- 300g neonati
- 100g gluten-free flour (Schar)
- 1 tsp lemon zest
- 50g grated Parmesan cheese
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 1 tsp nutmeg
- 2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
- Salt and pepper
- 1 tbsp. capers
- 1 shallot, finely chopped
- 1 tbsp. green olives, chopped
- 150ml mayonnaise
- Bunch baby rocket leaves for serving
Drain the neonati from any excess water and pat dry on kitchen paper. In a medium sized bowl, mix together the flour, lemon zest, Parmesan, beaten eggs, nutmeg, ½ parsley and the neonati. Season well with salt and pepper. Heat a pan with a little olive oil and drop spoonfuls of the mixture in, forming into fritters and cooking for 2-3 minutes on each side to brown. Meanwhile make the tartare sauce by mixing together the remaining parsley, capers, shallot, olives and mayonnaise. Serve the neonati with the tartare sauce and baby rocket leaves.
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Pulpetti tan-neonati mingħajr glutina biz-zalza tartar
- 300g neonati
- 100g dqiq mingħajr glutina
- 50g ġobon parmiġġjan
- tursin
- 2 bajdiet
- kuċċarina noċemuskata
- kuċċarina qoxra ta’ lumija
- mgħarfa kappar
- basla
- mgħarfa żebbuġ aħdar
- 150ml mayonnaise
- weraq tal-aruka biex isservi
Saffi n-neonati minn kwalunkwe ilma żejjed u nixxef fuq karta tal-kċina. Fi skutella ta’ daqs medju, ħawwad flimkien id-dqiq, il-qoxra tal-lumi, il-parmiġġjan, il-bajd imħabbat, in-noċemuskata, nofs it- tursin u n-neonati. Ħawwar sew bil-melħ u l-bżar. Saħħan taġen bi ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa u poġġi porzjonijiet tat-taħlita, billi tifforma pulpetti u sajjar għal 2-3 minuti fuq kull naħa. Sadanittant ipprepara iz-zalza tat-tartar billi tħallat flimkien it-tursin li jifdal, il-kappar, il-basla, iż-żebbuġ u l-mayonnaise. Servi n-neonati biz-zalza tat-tartare u l-weraq tal-aruka.
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