
Lactose free Veal involtini





For the involtini

  • 6 veal slices
  • Salt and pepper to season
  • 1 aubergine, sliced and grilled
  • 10 fresh basil leaves
  • 6 slices lactose-free cheese (Fior di Vita)
  • 1 tbsp. sun-dried tomatoes (Camel brand)
  • 2 tbsp. pine nuts
  • 4 tbsp. fresh breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp. chopped parsley

For the sausage stew

  • 1 Sicilian sausage, removed from its casing
  • 200g tin cannellini beans, rinsed
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 carrot, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp. fresh rosemary, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp tomato paste
  • 1 cup white wine
  • Fresh thyme sprigs
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped
  • you will also need roasted Jersey potatoes for serving


Place the veal slices onto a working surface and season with salt and pepper. Place over a slice of grilled aubergine, basil, sun-dried tomato and sliced cheese on each piece..

Mix the breadcrumbs with pine nuts and parsley. Dip veal slices in the sun-dried tomato oil and firmly press on the breadcrumbs, roll to stick the crumbs. Place onto a baking tray and cook in the oven at 200°C for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, make the sausage stew. In a separate pan, heat 1 tbsp. olive oil and fry the sausage meat for 2 minutes. Add the onion, carrot, rosemary, tomato paste, white wine and cannelloni to the pan and cook for a further 8-10 minutes. When ready, cut the involtini into pieces and serve with the sausage stew and roasted potatoes.

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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Involtini tal-vitella mingħajr lattożju


  • 6 biċċiet vitella
  • flieli tal-brunġiel mixwija
  • weraq frisk tal-ħabaq
  • flieli tal-ġobon mingħajr lattożju
  • tadam imqadded
  • ġewż tal-arżnu (pine nuts)
  • frak tal-ħobż
  • tursin imqatta’
  • zalzett Sqalli
  • cannellini beans
  • basla mqattgħa
  • karrotta mqattgħa fin
  • klin imqatta’ fin
  • kuċċarina pejst tat-tadam
  • tazza nbid abjad
  • 10 new potatoes
  • sagħtar frisk
  • 2 sinniet tewm
  • weraq tal-insalata


Poġġi l-biċċiet tal-vitella fuq il-bank fejn se taħdem u ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar. Poġġi fuq kull biċċa porzjon ta’ brunġiel mixwi, ħabaq, tadam imqadded u ġobon imfellel. Ħallat il-frak tal-ħobż mal-ġewż tal-arżnu (pine nuts) u t-tursin. Għaddas il-biċċiet tal-vitella fiż-żejt tat-tadam imqadded u poġġi fil-frak tal-ħobż u rrombla sakemm jeħel il-frak. Poġġi fuq trej tal-ħami u sajjar fil-forn f’temperatura ta’ 200°C għal 15-il minuta. Sadanittant ipprepara l-istuffat taz-zalzett. F’taġen separat, saħħan mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa u aqli l-laħam taz-zalzett għal 2 minuti. Żid il-basla, il-karrotta, il-klin, il-pejst tat-tadam, l-inbid abjad u l-cannellini beans fit-taġen u sajjar għal 8-10 minuti oħra. Meta tkun lesta, qatta’ l-involtini f’biċċiet u servi mal-istuffat taz-zalzett u l-patata mixwija.

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