
White chocolate torroncini





  • 250g fresh cream
  • 750g white chocolate, chopped
  • 250g candied peel
  • 225g gluten-free biscuits, crushed (Schar)
  • 125g roasted hazelnuts
  • 125g roasted almonds
  • 125g roasted pistachios
  • Zest of an orange
  • You will also need extra dark chocolate for dipping


Place the cream and white chocolate in a medium saucepan and melt together gently. Remove of the heat and add to a large bowl with the crushed biscuits, nuts, candied peel and orange zest and mix together well. Place into a large square tin lined with non-stick paper and flatten out evenly. Allow to set in the fridge overnight before cutting into fingers and dipping in chocolate to decorate.

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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Torroncini taċ-ċikkulata bajda


  • 250g krema friska
  • 750g ċikkulata bajda mdewba
  • 250g konfettura
  • 225g gallettini mingħajr glutina
  • 125g lewż inkaljat
  • 125g ġellewż inkaljat
  • 125g pistaċċi
  • qoxra ta’ larinġa
  • 400g ċikkulata skura


Poġġi l-krema u ċ-ċikkulata bajda ġo kazzola ta’ daqs medju u dewweb flimkien bil-mod. Neħħi minn fuq in-nar u żid ġo skutella kbira mal-gallettini mgħaffġa, il-ġewż, il-konfettura u l-qoxra tal-larinġa, u ħawwad flimkien sew. Poġġi ġo landa kbira kwadra miksija b’karta li ma twaħħalx u ċċattjaha b’mod uniformi. Ħallih joqgħod fil-friġġ matul il-lejl qabel ma taqta’ f’forma ta’ fingers u tgħaddas fiċ-ċikkulata biex iżżejjen.

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