Vegan rice rolls with ginger and chili dip
- 18 rice wrappers
- 1 leek
- 200g vegetarian mince (Quorn)
- 1 tsp mixed spice
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1 carrot
- Small bunch baby spinach
- 2 tsp sesame oil (Tiger tiger)
- 1 small red cabbage
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 1 tsp mince ginger (Tiger tiger)
- 2 gloves garlic
- 80ml sweet chili sauce
Slice the leeks and red cabbage in thin strips and grate the carrots. Heat 1 tsp sesame oil in a large pan and add in the leeks, carrots, mince and spices and together for 10-15 minutes. Whilst still hot, add the baby spinach leaves and toss to wilt. Remove off the heat. One by one, dip the rice wrappers into a dish of water and submerge for 20 -30 seconds to soften. Place onto kitchen paper to remove excess water. Place a large spoonful of the cooked mince filling in the middle and roll up tightly. Meanwhile, you can prepare the dipping sauce by heating the remaining sesame oil in a pan and quickly sauté together the minced ginger and chili. Stir in the sweet chili sauce and remove from heat. Serve the dipping sauce alongside the vegan rice wrapper spring rolls.
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Vegan rolls bil-ġinġer ma’ dip pikkanti
- 18-il rice wrap
- kurrat
- 200g ikkapuljat veġetarjan (sostitut tal-laħam)
- kuċċarina ħwawar imħallta
- kuċċarina kemmun
- karrotta
- mazz żgħir spinaċi
- 50ml żejt tal-ġulġlien
- kaboċċa ħamra żgħira.
- kuċċarina ġinġer mitħun
- 2 sinniet tewm
- 80ml zalza sweet chili
Qatta’ l-kurrat u l-kaboċċa ħamra fi strixxi rqaq u ħakkek il-karrotti. Saħħan kuċċarina żejt tal-ġulġlien ġo taġen kbir u żid fih il-kurrat, il-karrotti, l-ikkapuljat u ħwawar flimkien għal 10-15-il minuta. Waqt li t-taħlita tkun għadha sħuna, żid il-weraq tal-ispinaċi. Neħħi minn fuq in-nar. Wieħed wieħed, poġġi r-rice wraps f’dixx ilma u għaddas għal 20 -30 sekonda biex jirtabu. Poġġi fuq karta tal-kċina biex tneħħi l-ilma żejjed. Poġġi kuċċarina kbira tal-mili tal-ikkapuljat imsajjar fin-nofs u rrombla sewwa. Sadanittant, tista’ tipprepara z-zalza billi ssaħħan iż-żejt tal-ġulġlien li jifdal ġo taġen u malajr issajjar flimkien il-ġinġer mitħun u l-bżar aħmar. Żid u ħawwad iz-zalza sweet chilli u neħħi minn fuq in-nar. Servi d-dip maġenb il-vegan rolls.
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