
Salmon and Prawn bisque





  • 6 king prawns
  • 2 knobs butter
  • 1 onion
  • 4 gloves garlic
  • ½ glass white wine
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 120g salmon fillet, skinned and diced
  • 4-5 tbsp. skimmed milk powder (Regilait)
  • Small bunch dill


Remove the shells off the prawn and heads too. Dice the prawn meat and put aside. Place the heads and shells into a pan with the butter, garlic and onion until lightly browned. Splash in the white wine and evaporate followed by 1 litre of hot water and bring to the boil. Season well with salt and pepper, lower the heat and simmer for 45minutes. Allow to cool slightly then blend into a prawn bisque and strain. Place the prawn bisque back into a pan, whisk in the, milk powder and a knob of butter and reheat gently. Meanwhile, heat a drop of oil in another pan and quickly cook the salmon and prawns till cooked. Serve the prawn and salmon mixture into deep soup bowls and pour the bisque on top. Garnish with fresh dill and serve.

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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Bisque tas-salamun u l-gambli


  • 120g flett tas-salamun
  • 6 gambli kbar
  • basla
  • 4 sinniet tewm
  • Mazz żgħir xibt
  • nofs tazza nbid abjad
  • 5 imgħaref trab tal-ħalib


Neħħi l-qxur u l-irjus mill-gambli. Qatta’ l-laħam tal-gambli u warrab. Poġġi l-irjus u l-qxur ġo taġen mal-butir, it-tewm u l-basla, sakemm isiru kulur dehbi. Ferra’ l-inbid abjad u ħallih jevapora.  Wara ferra’ litru ilma sħun u ħallih jagħli. Ħawwar sew bil-melħ u l-bżar, baxxi n-nar u ħallih itektek għal 45 minuta. Ħallih jiksaħ ftit, imbagħad ħawwad bi blender f’bisque tal-gambli u saffi. Poġġi l-bisque tal-gambli lura ġo taġen, żid u ħawwad miegħu t-trab tal-ħalib u ftit butir u erġa’ saħħan bil-mod. Sadanittant, saħħan qatra żejt f’taġen ieħor u sajjar malajr is-salamun u l-gambli kbar. Servi t-taħlita tal-gambli u s-salamun fi skutelli tas-soppa fonda u ferra’ l-bisque fuqhom. Żejjen b’xibt frisk u servi.

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