
Parmesan crusted artichokes with feta and honey spread





  • 3 whole marinated artichoke hearts, stem on
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 4 tbsp. breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp. grated Parmesan
  • Oil for shallow frying
  • 4 slices Rye Bread
  • 1 avocado, peeled and diced
  • 30g feta cheese
  • 50g cream cheese
  • 4 tbsp. honey (Good Earth)
  • Few rocket leaves and 1 tbsp. toasted pumpkin seeds for serving


Start by cutting the Artichokes lengthwise. In a bowl, whisk egg and flour and in another the Parmesan and bread crumbs. Dip in the artichokes into the egg then quickly into the breadcrumbs mixture. Shallow fry in hot oil. Meanwhile, place the feta, cream cheese and 2 tbsp. honey in a bowl and mix into a smooth paste using a fork. In another bowl use a fork to crush the avocado with the remaining 2 tbsp. honey. Spread over the rye bread and then spoon the feta mix on top. Place the fried artichokes on top and garnish with rocket leaves and pumpkin seeds.

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Qaqoċċ bil-qoxra tal-parmiġġjan b’pejst tal-feta u l-għasel


  • 3 iqlub tal-qaqoċċ immarinat biz-zokk
  • 2 biċċiet ħobż tal-oħxon (rye bread)
  • avokado
  • bajda
  • 2 imgħaref dqiq
  • 4 mgħaref frak tal-ħobż
  • 2 imgħaref parmiġġjan
  • 30g ġobon feta
  • 50g ġobon kremuż
  • 4 mgħaref għasel
  • Mazz żgħir weraq tal-aruka
  • mgħarfa żerriegħa tal-qargħa ħamra


Ibda billi tqatta’ l-qaqoċċ fit-tul. Fi skutella, ħawwad il-bajda u d-dqiq u f’oħra ħawwad il-parmiġġjan u l-frak tal-ħobż. Idlek il-qaqoċċ bil-bajda, imbagħad dawwar malajr fit-taħlita tal-frak tal-ħobż. Aqli fiż-żejt jaħraq. Sadanittant, poġġi l-feta, il-ġobon kremuż u żewġ imgħaref għasel fi skutella u ħawwad f’pejst billi tuża furketta. Fi skutella oħra uża furketta biex tfarrak l-avokado maż-żewġ imgħaref għasel li jifdal. Idlek l-avokado fuq il-ħobż imbagħad poġġi kuċċarina tat-taħlita tal-feta fuq nett. Poġġi l-qaqoċċ moqli fil-wiċċ u żejjen bil-weraq tal-aruka u ż-żrieragħ tal-qargħa ħamra.

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