
Lemon ricotta cake with marinated berries




For the cake

  • 115g butter (ICBINB)
  • 150g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Zest of a lemon
  • 3 eggs (Le Naturelle)
  • 140g plain flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 40g lemon juice
  • 250g ricotta (Ħanini)
  • 60ml milk
  • you will also need fresh basil leaves and icing sugar to decorate

For the berries

  • 60g strawberries (Asiago)
  • 600g blueberries (Asiago)
  • 25g icing sugar
  • zest of a lime
  • 1 shot limoncello


Place the beater attachment on your electric mixer and beat together the butter, sugar, vanilla and lemon zest until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, 1 at a time. Next, sift in the flour and baking powder and mix to incorporate. Finally, mix in the lemon juice, ricotta and mix till smooth.. Grease individual oven proof ramekins and pour in the cake mixture. Bake in the oven at 150°C for approximately 30-35 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Meanwhile, place all of the marinated berry ingredients into a bowl and gently stir together. When the cakes are cooked, serve dusted with icing sugar, fresh basil leaves and a spoonful of the marinated berries on top.

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Kejk tal-lumi u l-irkotta bil-berries immarinati



  • 115g butir
  • 150g zokkor
  • kuċċarina essenza tal-vanilja
  • 3 bajdiet
  • 40g meraq tal-lumi
  • qoxra ta’ lumija
  • 140g dqiq
  • 8g trab tal-ħami
  • 250g rkotta
  • 60ml ħalib


  • 100g frawli
  • 100g blueberries
  • 50g zokkor fin
  • qoxra tal-luminċell
  • grokk likur tal-lumi
  • zokkor fin
  • ħabaq frisk


Ibda billi tħabbat flimkien il-butir, iz-zokkor, il-vanilja u l-qoxra tal-lumija sakemm it-taħlita ssir ħafifa. Ħabbat il-bajd, waħda waħda. Wara, għarbel id-dqiq u t-trab tal-ħami u ħawwad biex jagħqdu flimkien. Fl-aħħarnett, ħawwad il-meraq tal-lumi mal-irkotta. Idlek ir-ramekins individwali u ferra’ fihom it-taħlita tal-kejk. Sajjar fil-forn f’temperatura ta’ 150°c għal madwar 30-35 minuta jew sakemm jieħdu kulur dehbi u jkunu msajra. Sadanittant, poġġi l-ingredjenti kollha għall-berries immarinat fi skutella u ħawwad bil-mod flimkien. Meta l-kejkijiet ikunu msajra, servi biz-zokkor fin, weraq frisk tal-ħabaq u kuċċarina tal-frott immarinat fil-wiċċ.

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