
Lemon meringue pie

Serves: 12



For the meringue

  • 3 egg whites
  • 110g caster sugar

For the pastry

  • 225g plain flour
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar
  • 140g unsalted butter
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2-3 tbsp water

For the filling

  • 125g lemon juice
  • 75g corn flour
  • 75g caster sugar
  • 310ml water
  • Zest of 2 lemons
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 60g unsalted butter


To make the pastry, put the flour, icing sugar and butter in a bowl and rub together with your fingers till the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Using a spoon, mix in the egg yolk and enough of the water to form a soft pastry. Chill the pastry for 30 minutes. Use the pastry to line a 20cm, greased fluted flan tin, and bake blind for 15 minutes at 200`c. Remove from the oven and leave to cool while you prepare the lemon filling. Put the lemon juice, corn flour, sugar and water in a small saucepan and heat until the mixture boils, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat, and mix in the lemon zest, egg yolks and butter. Immediately, pour the lemon filling over the baked pastry case and even out using a palette knife. Leave to set for 30 minutes till the filling is firm. Meanwhile, prepare the meringue topping by whisking the egg whites in a bowl to stiff peaks. Add the caster sugar, a tablespoon at a time, mixing well after each addition. Spread the meringue over the lemon pie and use a fork to make small peaks. Place the lemon meringue pie in the oven at 220`c, and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until the top of the meringue begins to brown. Take the lemon meringue pie out of the oven and chill well before serving.
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Torta lemon meringue



  • 225g dqiq plain
  • mgħarfa zokkor tal-ġelu (icing sugar)
  • 140g butir bla melħ
  • isfar ta’ bajda
  • 2-3 mgħaref ilma


  • 125g meraq tal-lumi
  • 75g corn flour
  • 75g zokkor fin (caster sugar)
  • 310ml ilma
  • qoxra maħkuka ta’ 2 lumijiet
  • 3 isfra tal-bajd
  • 60g butir bla melħ


  • l-abjad ta’ 3 bajdiet
  • 110g zokkor fin


Biex tagħmel l-għaġina, itfa’ d-dqiq, iz-zokkor u l-butir fi skutella u agħġinhom b’idejk sakemm it-taħlita ssir qisha frak tal-ħobż. B’mgħarfa, ħallat l-isfar tal-bajda u biżżejjed ilma biex tifforma għaġina ratba. Kessaħ l-għaġina għal 30 minuta u idlek landa bil-pizzi ta’ 20ċm. Imbagħad iksi l-qiegħ tal-landa bl-għaġina. Aħmiha waħedha għal 15-il minuta f’temperatura ta’ 200oC. Oħroġha mill-forn u ħalliha tiksaħ sew. Sadattant lesti l-mili tal-lumi billi titfa’ l-meraq tal-lumi, il-corn flour, iz-zokkor u l-ilma fi skutella żgħira. Ħawwad it-taħlita sakemm tiftaħ tagħli. Neħħiha minn fuq in-nar, żid il-qoxra maħkuka tal-lumi, l-isfra tal-bajd u l-butir u ħawwad. Itfa’ l-mili tal-lumi fuq il-bażi tal-għaġina li tkun lestejt u illixxaha b’paletta. Ħalliha toqgħod għal 30 minuta sakemm il-mili jissoda. Imbagħad lesti t-taħlita tal-wiċċ billi tħabbat flimkien l-abjad tal-bajd biex ittella’ l-ixkuma. Żid iz-zokkor, kuċċarina kuċċarina u ħawwad sew ma’ kull kuċċarina li titfa’. Ifrex it-taħlita fuq it-torta tal-lumi u tellagħha b’furketta biex iżżejjen il-wiċċ. Daħħal it-torta fil-forn f’temperatura ta’ 220oC u aħmiha għal 10 minuti sa kwarta, jew sakemm il-wiċċ tagħha jibda jiħmar. Kessaħ it-torta sew qabel isserviha.

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