
Gluten-free deep pan cheese crust pizza and capriciosa




  • 500g gluten- free flour (Schar)
  • 1 tbsp. sugar
  • 1 tbsp. salt
  • 12g yeast
  • 50g butter
  • 300ml warm milk
  • 200g shredded mozzarella
  • I jar ready-made tomato sauce
  • 2 fresh mozzarella balls
  • 100g mushrooms
  • 200g diced cooked ham
  • Artichokes hearts
  • 2 tbsp. olives
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • Good pinch oregano
  • 1 tbsp. garlic butter


Make a bread dough using the flour, sugar, salt, yeast, butter and milk. The dough should be more of a paste consistency rather than elastic. Divide into 2 balls and brush lightly with olive oil and wrap in cling film. Allow to rest for 1 hour. Take 2 sheets of baking paper and brush with oil, place one ball on the oiled paper and cover with the other oiled sheet. Press and roll gently into the desired size. Remove the top paper and carefully flip over onto a baking tray.  Top capricciosa with tomato sauce, mozzarella slices, olives, ham, artichokes hearths, mushrooms. Eggs and oregano. Allow the dough to rest for another 30 minutes before baking in pre heated oven at 200°C. To make cheese crust pizza, use shredded mozzarella to  make a rim of cheese, 1 cm inside the border. Flip dough over and pinch to secure the cheese inside, fill centre with the tomato sauce, mozzarella slices and extra ingredients to your liking. Brush with garlic butter and bake at 25-30 minutes or until cooked through.

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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Pizza capricciosa bil-qoxra tal-ġobon mingħajr glutina


  • 500g dqiq mingħajr glutina
  • kuċċarina zokkor
  • kuċċarina melħ
  • 12g ħmira
  • 50g butir
  • 300ml ħalib sħun
  • 200g mozzarella mqattgħa
  • polpa tat-tadam
  • 2 mozzarella friska
  • 100g faqqiegħ
  • 200g perżut imsajjar u mqatta’
  • qlub tal-qaqoċċ
  • żebbuġ
  • 2 bajdiet iebsa
  • origanu
  • butir tat-tewm


Agħmel l-għaġina tal-ħobż billi tuża d-dqiq, iz-zokkor, il-melħ, il-ħmira, il-butir u l-ħalib. L-għaġina għandha tkun aktar ta’ konsistenza ta’ pejst minflok elastika. Aqsam f’2 iblalen u idlek ħafif biż-żejt taż-żebbuġa u geżwer fil-cling film. Ħallih jistrieħ għal siegħa. Ħu 2 folji tal-karta tal-ħami u idlek biż-żejt, poġġi ballun fuq il-karta biż-żejt u għatti bil-folja l-oħra. Agħfas u rrombla fid-daqs mixtieq. Neħħi l-karta ta’ fuq u aqleb b’attenzjoni fuq trej tal-ħami. Idlek il-Capricciosa biz-zalza tat-tadam fil-wiċċ, flieli tal-mozzarella, żebbuġ, perżut, qlub tal-qaqoċċ, faqqiegħ, bajd u origanu. Ħalli l-għaġina tistrieħ għal 30 minuta oħra qabel iddaħħal fil-forn imsaħħan minn qabel f’temperatura ta’ 200 °C. Biex tagħmel pizza bil-qoxra tal-ġobon, uża mozzarella mqattgħa biex tagħmel ċirkonferenza ta’ ġobon ta’ 1ċm fit-tarf tal-pizza. Aqleb l-għaġina u oqros biex twaħħal il-ġobon ġewwa, imla ċ-ċentru biz-zalza tat-tadam, il-flieli tal-mozzarella u l-ingredjenti żejda li jogħġbok. Iżbogħ bil-butir tat-tewm u aħmi għall- 25-30 minuta jew sakemm issir.

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