
Fig rolls with white hot chocolate



date rolls


For the pastry

  • 300g butter
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • Vanilla essence
  • 1 heaped tbsp. milk powder (Regilait)
  • 600g plain flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • Pinch of salt

For the filling

  • 1 packet dried figs
  • Zest of a tangerine
  • 1 tot anisette liqueur
  • 100g chopped walnuts
  • 100g dark chocolate, chopped
  • Boiling water

For the hot chocolate

  • 200g white chocolate (Icam)
  • 300ml water
  • 3 spoons milk powder (Regilait)
  • 1 tot orange liqueur
  • 150ml whipping cream
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa powder


For the pastry, cream the butter and sugar in a bowl, then beat in the eggs, milk powder and vanilla. Sift the flour with the baking powder and salt then gently mix into the butter mixture to form a pastry. Chill for 30 minutes. To prepare the filling, chop the figs into small pieces and put them in a bowl. Mix in the tangerine zest and liqueur then cover with enough boiling water to cover. Seal with cling film and allow the liquid to absorb. Whiz in a food processor and allow to cool down completely before mixing in the dark chocolate and walnuts. Roll the sweet pastry into a long strip spread the filling length wise on one side. Wet the edges and flap the pastry over and roll, pressing tightly. Flatten, brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar. Cut into desired shapes and bake at 200°C for 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the hot chocolate. Melt the white chocolate together with the water and milk powder over gentle heat in a small pan. Whip the fresh cream together with the cocoa powder. Pour the liqueur in the hot chocolate and pour the mixture into small serving glasses. Top with the chocolate whipped cream and serve with the fig rolls.

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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Rombli tat-tin taċ-ċikkulata bajda


  • 600g dqiq plain
  • 300g butir
  • 200g zokkor fin
  • 2 bajdiet
  • essenza tal-vanilja
  • kuċċarina trab tal-ħami
  • niskata melħ
  • mgħarfa trab tal-ħalib
  • pakkett tin imqadded
  • qoxra ta’ mandolina
  • grokk aniżett
  • 100g ġewż imfarrak
  • 100g ċikkulata skura
  • ilma jagħli
  • 500ml ilma
  • 3 imgħaref trab tal-ħalib
  • 200g ċikkulata bajda
  • grokk likur tal-larinġ
  • krema friska mħabbta
  • trab tal-kawkaw


Għall-għaġina, ħawwad il-butir u z-zokkor fi skutella sakemm it-taħlita ssir kremuża, imbagħad, ħabbat miegħu l-bajd, it-trab tal-ħalib u l-vanilja. Għarbel id-dqiq mat-trab tal-ħami u l-melħ, imbagħad, ħawwad bil-mod fit-taħlita tal-butir biex tifforma għaġina. Kessaħ għal 30 minuta. Biex tipprepara l-mili, qatta’ t-tin f’biċċiet żgħar u poġġihom ġo skutella. Ħallat magħha l-qoxra tal-mandolina u l-likur, imbagħad għatti bl-ilma jagħli. Issiġilla bil-cling film u ħallih jassorbi l-likwidi. Ħawwad fi processor u ħallih jiksaħ kompletament qabel ma żżid u tħallat iċ-ċikkulata skura u l-ġewż. Irrombla l-għaġina ħelwa fi strixxa twila u ifrex il-mili fit-tul fuq naħa waħda. Xarrab it-truf u aqleb l-għaġina. Irrombla u agħfas sewwa. Iċċattja, idlek bil-bajd imħabbat u roxx biz-zokkor. Aqta’ fil-forom mixtieqa u aħmi f’temperatura ta’ 200°C għal 15-20 minuta. Sadanittant, ipprepara ċ-ċikkulata sħuna. Dewweb iċ-ċikkulata bajda flimkien mal-ilma u t-trab tal-ħalib fuq nar baxx f’kazzola żgħira. Ħabbat il-krema friska flimkien mat-trab tal-kawkaw. Ferra’ l-likur fiċ-ċikkulata sħuna u ferra’ t-taħlita ġo tazzi żgħar biex isservi fihom. Imla bil-krema taċ-ċikkulata mtellgħa u servi mar-rombli tat-tin.

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