Easter cheesecake pots

For the filling
- 200g cream cheese (Emborg)
- 150g irkotta (Hanini)
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 heaped tbsp icing sugar
- 1 tsp finely grated lemon zest
- 2 tbsp crushed mini chocolate eggs
You will also need
- 100g crushed bourbon biscuits (Strand Palace Agency)
- 3 tbsp green coloured coconut
- Sugar paste bunnies, flowers and carrots
- Mini chocolate eggs
- You will also need small ceramic pots for serving
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Start by placing 1 tbsp crushed bourbon biscuits into each pot. Next, blitz together the ricotta, cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and lemon zest. Mix in the broken chocolate eggs and spoon this mixture into the pots. Cover with the green coconut to look like grass. Next, decorate the top with the sugarpaste bunnies, carrots, flowers and eggs.
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