
Creamy quinoa puddings with strawberries and pistachios

Serves: 4



For the puddings

  • 500ml milk (Benna)
  • 140ml fresh cream (Benna)
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 50g sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 190g uncooked quinoa (Tipiak)

You will also need

  • 1 box strawberries, diced small
  • 1 tsp icing sugar
  • Finely grated zest and juice of ½ orange
  • 1 tbsp chopped pistachios


Place the milk, cream, sugar and pinch of salt into a small pan. Scrape the seeds out of the vanilla pod and add to the pan along with the pod. Mix and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and continue to cook for 30 minutes stirring regularly. Meanwhile, milk together the diced strawberries with the icing sugar, orange juice and zest. When the quinoa is cooked, allow to cool down for 5 minutes before serving into jars or ramekins. Spoon the marinated diced strawberries on top and sprinkle over the chopped pistachios.
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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Pudini tal-quinoa bil-frawli u pistaċċi



  • 500ml ħalib
  • 140ml krema friska
  • vanilla pod
  • 50g zokkor
  • niskata melħ
  • 190g quinoa mhux imsajjra

Se jkollok bżonn ukoll

  • kaxxa frawli, mqatta’ żgħar
  • kuċċarina zokkor fin
  • nofs qoxra u meraq ta’ larinġa
  • mgħarfa pistaċċi mfarrka


Poġġi l-ħalib, il-krema, zokkor u niskata melħ ġo kazzola żgħira. Neħħi iż-żerriegħa mill-pod tal-vanilla u żid mat-taħlita flimkien mal-pod stess. Ħawwad u ħallih jagħli. Naqqas in-nar u kompli issajjar għal 30 minuta u ħawwad regolarment. Sadanittant, ħawwad flimkien il-frawli imqatta’ maz-zokkor, meraq u qoxra tal-larinġ. Meta l-quinoa tkun imsajjra, ħalliha tiksaħ għal 5 minuti qabel ma sservi ġo vażetti. Poġġi l-frawli immarinat imqatta’ fil-wiċċ u ferrex fuq il-pistaċċi mfarrka.

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