Chickpea and lentil curry
- 1 tbsp. oil
- 1 onion, chopped
- 3 gloves garlic, chopped
- 1 tsp minced ginger (Tiger Tiger)
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 tsp garamasala
- 2 tbsp. curry powder
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper
- 1 tbsp. cumin
- 1 tbsp. ground coriander
- 150g cooked chickpeas
- 1 cup vegetable stock (Knorr)
- 2 tbsp. red lentils, rinsed well
- 6 frozen broccoli florets
- 150ml coconut milk (Tiger Tiger)
- 100g basmati rice (Eurico)
- 4 slices naan bread (Leicester)
Heat the oil in a pan and sauté together the onion and garlic on a high heat with the ginger. Add all the spices, toss well and cook for 2 minutes to brown.
Add the chickpeas and hot stock and bring to the boil. Add in the lentil and coconut milk, stir and continue to cook on a low heat until the lentils are cooked, adding in the broccoli florets in the last 4 minutes of cooking time. Meanwhile, cook the rice in a pan of salted water until soft. To serve, grill the naan bread and serve on the side with the basmati rice and vegetable curry.
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Karì taċ-ċiċri u tal-għads
- 150g ċiċri
- basla
- 3 sinniet tewm
- 6 bukketti tal-brokkli tal-friża
- 2 imgħaref għads aħmar
- tazza stokk tal-ħaxix
- 2 imgħaref karì
- kuċċarina bżar Cayenne
- mgħarfa kemmun
- mgħarfa kosbor
- kuċċarina ġinġer mitħun
- zokk tal-kannella
- kuċċarina garam masala
- 150ml ħalib tal-ġewż tal-indi
- 100g ross basmati
- 4 biċċiet ħobż naan
Saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen u sajjar flimkien il-basla u t-tewm fuq nar qawwi mal-ġinġer. Żid il-ħwawar kollha, ħawwad sew u sajjar għal 2 minuti biex jismar. Żid iċ-ċiċri u l-istokk jaħraq u ħallih jagħli. Żid l-għads u l-ħalib tal-ġewż tal-indi, ħawwad u kompli sajjar fuq nar baxx sakemm l-għads ikun imsajjar. Żid il-brokkli fl-aħħar 4 minuti tal-ħin tat-tisjir. Sadanittant, sajjar ir-ross f’borma ilma mielaħ sakemm ikun artab. Biex isservi, iggrillja l-ħobż naan u servi fil-ġenb mar-ross basmati u l-kari.
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