Gozo Cheese Gibanica
- 2 packets frozen filo pastry, defrosted
- 350g feta Cheese, crumbled
- 400g Gozitian cheeselets, crumbled (Ħanini)
- 50g sour cream, kefir or plain yogurt
- 100ml milk
- 1 Small bottle sparkling water
- 5 eggs (Le Naturelle)
- 1 tsp dried dill
- Salt and pepper
- 50ml olive oil
- 50g butter (Valio)
In a large bowl beat the eggs, then add the Gozo cheese, crumbled feta and mix well. Add in the sour cream, milk, sparkling water, dill and season to taste with salt and pepper. Place the butter in a saucepan and melt. Add in the oil and mix together well. Place 2 sheets of filo pastry in a greased oven dish. Brush the surface with the oil/butter mixture. Crumble a sheet of filo pastry and dip it in the cheese/egg mixture. Place it in the dish and continue with this method until you cover the whole dish. Add any remaining mixture on top of them. Cover everything with 2-3 layers of filo pastry brushing them with the oil/butter mixture. Brush the surface and bake in a preheated oven at 200°c for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown.
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Gibanica bil-ġbejniet ta’ Għawdex
- 2 pakketti għaġina tat-tip filo
- 350g ġobon feta
- 400g ġbejniet friski tan-nagħaġ
- 50g sour cream jew kefir jew jogurt plain
- 100ml ħalib frisk
- flixkun żgħir ilma frizzanti
- 5 bajdiet
- xibt
- melħ u bżar
- 50ml żejt taż-żebbuġa
- 50g butir
Fi skutella kbira ħabbat il-bajd, imbagħad żid il-ġbejniet u l-feta mfarrak u ħawwad sewwa. Żid is-sour cream, il-ħalib, l-ilma frizzanti u x-xibt u ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar. Poġġi l-butir ġo kazzola u dewweb. Żid iż-żejt u ħawwad flimkien sew. Poġġi 2 folji ta’ għaġina filo f’dixx tal-forn midluk bix-xaħam. Iżbogħ il-wiċċ bit-taħlita taż-żejt u l-butir. Għaffeġ folja ta’ għaġina filo u għarraqha fit-taħlita tal-ġobon u l-bajd. Poġġiha fid-dixx u kompli b’dan il-metodu sakemm tgħatti d-dixx kollu. Żid it-taħlita li jifdal fuqhom. Għatti kollox bi 2-3 saffi ta’ għaġina filo u erġa’ iżbogħ bit-taħlita taż-żejt u butir. Aħmi f’forn imsaħħan minn qabel f’temperatura ta’ 200°c għal 30-35 minuta jew sakemm tismar.
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