
Gluten-free and vegetarian stack with hummus, grilled vegetables and feta



wrap stack


  • 3 packets Gluten free wraps (Schar)
  • 2 aubergines, sliced and grilled
  • 1 large zucchini, sliced and grilled
  • 3 red peppers
  • 200g Gluten free feta cheese

For the minted yogurt

  • 150ml tub Greek yogurt
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • 2 tbsp. chopped fresh mint
  • 3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning
  • 1 handful salad leaves
  • 1 tub sliced black olives, drained (Camel)

For the hummus

  • 1 x 400g tin chickpeas, drained
  • 2 tbsp Greek yogurt
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tbsp tahini paste
  • ½ tsp ground cumin
  • ¼ tsp ground paprika
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


Start this recipe by placing the red peppers onto a baking tray whole, drizzle with oil and season and cook in the oven for 25 minutes till charred. Remove from the oven, place in a container with the lid on till cook then peel of the charred skin. Discard any inner seeds and stems. Make the hummus by blitzing all the ingredients together and also mix all the ingredients together for the minted yogurt. Next, you can put the stack together. Place 1 wrap onto a serving dish and spread with half of the hummus. Lay over ½ of the grilled aubergines. Next, add on another wrap and spoon over half of the minted yogurt followed by a layer of ½ of grilled zucchini and crumbled feta cheese. Lay over the 3rd wrap, more hummus, the red peppers and a few salad leaves. Repeat the same process again with the aubergine layer and zucchini layer. Finish off with more crumbled feta, olives and leaves on top to garnish. Chill for an hour before serving cut into wedges.

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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Munzell ta’ wraps mingħajr glutina u veġetarjani bil-hummus, ħaxix u mozzarella


  • 3 pakketti wraps mingħajr glutina
  • 2 brunġiliet imfella u mixwija
  • qarabagħlija kbira mfella u mixwija
  • 3 bżariet ħomor
  • 200g mozzarella mingħajr glutina


  • 150ml barmil jogurt Grieg
  • sinna tewm
  • 2 imgħaref nagħniegħ frisk imqatta’
  • 3 imgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • melħ u bżar
  • weraq tal-insalata
  • żebbuġ iswed imfellel


  • 400g ċiċri tal-bott
  • 2 imgħaref jogurt Grieg
  • sinna tewm
  • mgħarfa tahini
  • kuċċarina kemmun mitħun
  • kwart ta’ kuċċarina paprika mitħuna
  • 2 imgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa


Ibda din ir-riċetta billi tpoġġi l-bżar aħmar  sħiħ fuq trej tal-ħami, roxx biż-żejt, ħawwar u sajjar fil-forn għal 25 minuta sakemm isir sew. Neħħi mill-forn, qiegħed f’kontenitur bl-għatu sakemm isir, imbagħad qaxxar il-ġilda maħruqa. Armi kwalunkwe żerriegħa u zkuk ta’ ġewwa. Agħmel il-hummus billi tħawwad l-ingredjenti kollha flimkien u ħallat ukoll l-ingredjenti kollha flimkien għall-jogurt. Sussegwentement, tista’ tgħaqqad il-munzell flimkien, billi tpoġġi  wrap fuq dixx biex isservi u tifrex nofs il-hummus. Qiegħed fuqha nofs il-brunġiel mixwi. Sussegwentement, żid fuqu wrap oħra u poġġi fuqha nofs il-jogurt segwit minn saff ta’ nofs iz-zucchini mixwi u l-ġobon feta mfarrak. Poġġi fuqhom it-tielet wrap, aktar hummus, il-bżar aħmar u ftit weraq tal-insalata. Irrepeti l-istess proċess mill-ġdid bis-saff tal-brunġiel u s-saff taz-zucchini. Spiċċa b’aktar feta mfarrak, żebbuġ u weraq fil-wiċċ biex iżżejjen. Kessaħ għal siegħa qabel ma sservi mqatta’ fi flieli.

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