
Roasted pears with marzipan, dried fruits and oat crumble



stuffed pears


For the pears

  • 4 medium pears, halved and cored
  • 150ml white wine
  • 4 star anise
  • 4v sprigs fresh thyme
  • 4 small cinnamon sticks
  • 200ml honey
  • few pieces orange peel
  • 150ml sugar syrup
  • Melted butter

For the oat crumble

  • 150g brown sugar
  • 150g butter, diced
  • 150g ground almonds
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 100g oats (Good Earth)
  • 100g plain flour
  • 1 tbsp orange and lemon zest
  • ¼ tsp vanilla powder or 1 tsp vanilla extract

For the filling

  • 150g marzipan, diced
  • 100g sultanas
  • 100g apricots, diced
  • 100g honey
  • 50ml Amaretto liqueur


Place the pears into a saucepan with the wine, herbs, peel and syrup and marinate for an hour or so. Meanwhile make the filling by mixing carefully mixing together the marzipan, dried fruit, honey and amaretto. Place the marinated pears onto a lined baking sheet and spoon on the filling. To make the crumble, rub together all the ingredients to form a crumble and use generously to cover the filling. Sprinkle over the reserved sugar and bake in the oven at 175°C for 20-25 minutes depending on how ripe the pears are.

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Lanġasa mixwija bil-marzipan, frott imnixxef u crumble tal-ħafur


  • 4lanġasiet ta’daqs medju sħaħ
  • 150ml inbid abjad
  • 4 ħlewwa stellata (star anise)
  • sagħtar frisk
  • 4 izkuk tal-kannella
  • 200ml għasel
  • qoxra ta’ larinġa
  • 150ml xropp (syrup)
  • butir imdewweb


  • 150g zokkor ismar
  • 150g butir
  • 150g lewż mitħun
  • 5g kannella mitħuna
  • 100g ħafur
  • 100g dqiq
  • qoxra ta’ larinġa
  • qoxra ta’ lumija
  • 5g trab tal-vanilja


  • 150g marzipan
  • 100g sultana
  • 100g berquq
  • 100g għasel
  • 50ml amaretto


Poġġi l-lanġas ġo kazzola bl-inbid, il-ħxejjex aromatiċi, il-qoxra u l-ixropp u mmarina għal madwar  siegħa. Sadanittant, ibda pprepara l-mili billi tħallat b’attenzjoni  flimkien il-marżipan, il-frott imnixxef, l-għasel u l-amaretto. Poġġi l-lanġas immarinat fuq folja tal-ħami miksija u poġġi fuqhom  il-mili. Biex tagħmel il-crumble, ogħrok flimkien l-ingredjenti kollha biex tifforma crumble u bit-taħlita tal-frak għatti l-mili. Roxx iz-zokkor li jifdal fuq kollox u aħmi fil-forn f’temperatura ta’  175°C għal 20-25 minuta sakemm il-lanġas ikun misjur.

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