
Gluten-free waffles with caramelized apple, mascarpone and salted popcorn





For the apples

  • 2 granny smith apples, peeled, cored and diced
  • 100g prunes, chopped
  • 200g sugar
  • 50g butter
  • 250ml cream
  • zest ½ orange
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

For the cream

  • 300ml unsweetened cream
  • 50g icing sugar
  • 150g mascarpone, softened
  • few drops vanilla extract
  • you will also need honey, pecans, salted popcorn and fresh mint to decorate
  • one packet gluten free waffles (Schar)


For the apples, heat the butter, sugar and cream in a pan till golden then add in the apples, orange zest and vanilla and cook together for 3-4 minutes. Remove off the heat and stir in the chopped prunes. Next, whip the unsweetened cream with the icing sugar and vanilla to almost stiff. Lightly fold in the softened mascarpone. To put this dish together, heat the waffles and spoon over the cooked apples and a spoonful of the mascarpone cream. Top with pecans, salted popcorn, a good drizzle of honey and fresh mint leaves.

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Waffles bit-tuffieħ ikkaramelizzat u pruna bil-krema mascarpone


  • 2 tuffiħiet granny smith
  • 100g pruna
  • 200g zokkor
  • 50g butir
  • 250ml krema
  • qoxra ta’ larinġa
  • ftit kannella mitħuna
  • kuċċarina essenza tal-vanilja
  • 300ml krema mhux ħelwa
  • 50g zokkor fin
  • 150g mascarpone
  • 1g trab tal-vanilja
  • 100g għasel
  • 50g ġewż Amerikan (pecan nuts)
  • nagħniegħ frisk
  • popcorn
  • pakkett waffles mingħajr glutina


Ipprepara t-tuffieħ billi ssaħħan il-butir, iz-zokkor u l-krema f’taġen sakemm jieħdu kulur dehbi, imbagħad żid miegħu t-tuffieħ, il-qoxra tal-larinġa u l-vanilja u sajjar flimkien għal 3-4 minuti. Neħħi minn fuq in-nar u ħawwad magħha l-pruna mqattgħa. Wara, ħawwad il-krema mhux ħelwa u l-vanilja sakemm tieqaf. Żid ftit ftit fil-mascarpone mrattab. Biex tlesti din ir-riċetta, saħħan il-waffles u ferra’ fuqhom it-tuffieħ imsajjar u kuċċarina tal-krema mascarpone. Fil-wiċċ żid il-pecans, popcorn immellaħ, għasel u weraq frisk tan-nagħniegħ.

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