
Mussel Antipasto




Cozze gratinate

  • 1.5 kilo fresh mussels
  • Fresh breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
  • Chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 tbsp chopped capers (Camel)
  • Extra virgin olive oil (Borges)
  • Grated lemon zest
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Bruschetta con cozze

  • 1 baguette, sliced and toasted
  • Handful cherry tomatoes
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 small aubergine
  • Fresh herbs – mint, basil, parsley
  • Fresh chilli
  • Extra virgin olive oil (Borges)

Cozze, pomodoro e ricotta

  • 2 tomatoes
  • Fresh chopped parsley
  • 1 spoon chopped capers (Camel)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ½ tsp oregano
  • Zest of a lemon
  • 3 tbsp ricotta (Benna)


Scrub and clean the mussels under cold running water. Place them in a pot, cover tightly with cling film, put over moderate fire and allow steaming till all mussels are open. Remove ½ of the shell of the mussels and place on a baking tray. Pour breadcrumbs in a bowl and mix together with the parmesan, garlic, parsley, capers, lemon zest and a generous flow of olive oil. Mix well and bind with enough water which is obtained from the mussels. Press the mixture on the halve shell mussels and bake until golden. Cut the aubergine into fine dice and shallow fry in hot oil till soft. Next add in the garlic, cherry tomatoes, chilli and mixed herbs, cook for another minute. Stir in enough mussels meat, season with salt and pepper. Place on top of the toasted bread and serve lukewarm Wash the tomatoes and cut a cap out of each one, carefully hollow the filling and cut a very thin slice from the bottom in order that the tomatoes stand still. Place on a baking tray, fill with mussel meat. Min in a separate bowl, the chopped parsley, capers, chopped garlic, oregano, lemon zest and the ricotta. Spoon the ricotta mixture over the mussel meat and bake until golden.
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Antipasto tal-Mussels


Cozze gratinate

  • frak tal-ħobż maħkuk frisk
  • 2 mgħaref ġobon parmiġġjan maħkuk
  • tursin frisk imqatta’
  • sinna tewm
  • mgħarfa kappar mqatta’
  • żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • qoxra ta lumija maħkuka
  • bżar iswed mitħun frisk

Bruschetta con cozze

  • baguette imfellel u mixwi
  • tadam żgħir
  • sinna tewm
  • brunġiela żgħira
  • ħwawar friski – nagħniegħ, ħabaq, tursin
  • bżar aħmar frisk
  • żejt taż-żebbuġa

Cozze, pomodoro e ricotta

  • 2 tadamiet
  • tursin frisk imqatta’
  • mgħarfa kappar imqatta’
  • sinna tewm
  • kuċċarina riegnu
  • qoxra ta’ lumija
  • 3 mgħaref irkotta


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