
Lemon and basil grilled calamari on courgette fritter and pecorino cheese

Serves: 2



For the fritters

  • 1 large courgette
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 tbsp parsley
  • 80g sweet corn (Bonduelle)
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp garlic powder Olive oil for frying (Borges) 4 small calamari 50g pekorin cheese (Hannini) 1 tsp lemon zest Small bunch basil Small bunch rocket


Grated the courgette, slice the onion and mix well with the other ingredients. Preheat a non stick pan form 2 patties and fry to form the flat patties. Clean well the calamari and marinade in olive oil lemon zest and basil. season grill on a well preheated griddle and serve on the fritters, top with the rocket leaves and grate the pekorin on top.
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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Klamari bil-lumi u ħabaq fuq qarabgħali u ġobon pecorino


  • qarabgħala kbira
  • basla ħamra
  • mgħarfa tursin
  • 80g qamħerrun
  • 3 mgħaref dqiq
  • bajda
  • kuċċarina tewm mitħun
  • 4 klamari żgħar
  • 50g pecorino
  • kuċċarina qxur tal-lumi
  • mazz żgħir ħabaq
  • mazz żgħir rocket


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