
Valentines day strawberry and marshmallow skewers with chocolate fondue




  • 2 boxes fresh strawberries
  • 2 small ready made brownies
  • 10 marshmallows
  • 300g white and 150g milk chocolate chocolate (Icam)
  • 150ml fresh cream
  • 1 tbsp. liqueur of your choice
  • Red and pink sprinkles
  • 10 wooden skewers


Start by cutting the marshmallows with a heart shaped cutter and dice the brownies into 3cm cubes. Remove the stem and hull ½ of the strawberries and cut in half. To prepare, thread the marshmallows, strawberry halves and brownie pieces onto skewers. Dip the remaining strawberries in 150g melted white chocolate and decorate with sprinkles. Create a fondue with the cream and remaining 150g white chocolate by melting together with a little liqueur. Serve the fondue in a small bowl with the skewers, strawberries and dipped strawberries on the side.

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Sfiefed (skewers) tal-frawli u l-marshmallows għal jum San Valentinu bil-fondue taċ-ċikkulata


  • 2 kaxxi frawli friski
  • 2 brownies żgħar lesta
  • 10 marshmallows
  • 300g ċikkulata bajda u 150g ċikkulata tal-ħalib
  • 150ml krema friska
  • mgħarfa likur tal-għażla tiegħek
  • sprinkles ħomor u roża
  • 10 sfiefed (skewers) tal-injam


Ibda billi taqta’ l-marshmallows b’cookie cutter forma ta’ qalb u aqta’ l-brownies f’kaxxi ta’ 3ċm. Neħħi z-zokk tal-frawli u aqsam min-nofs. Waħħal il-marshmallows, in-nofsijiet tal-frawli u l-biċċiet tal-brownie fuq l-isfiefed (skewers). Għaddas il-frawli li jifdal f’150g ċikkulata bajda mdewba u ddekora bl-isprinkles. Oħloq fondue bil-krema u l-bqija tal-150g ċikkulata bajda billi ddewweb flimkien ma’ ftit likur. Servi l-fondue fi skutella żgħira mal-isfiefed (skewers), mal-frawli u mal-frawli miksija fuq il-ġenb.

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