
Spaghetti with lemon and artichoke pesto and grilled prawns




  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 lemon, juice and zest
  • 100g grated parmesan cheese
  • 100g blanched almonds
  • ½ tsp chili flakes
  • 1 x 400g can artichokes hearts, drained
  • 150-200ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 8 king prawns
  • 8 pancetta slices
  • 1 x 200g packet fresh frozen spaghetti (Maypole)


To make the pesto, blitz together with the garlic, lemon juice and zest, almonds, parmesan, chili and artichoke hearts with enough of the olive oil to make a smooth pesto. Next, peel the prawns, season with salt and pepper and roll in the pancetta. Heat a pan and grill the prawns quickly for a minute or two on both sides. Quickly cook the fresh frozen pasta for 2 minutes in salted boiling water. Place into a large pan, along with the pesto and 1 ladle full of the pasta cooking liquid and toss together well. Serve the spaghetti immediately into pasta plates with the pancetta prawns on top.


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Spagetti bil-pesto tal-qaqoċċ u l-lumi ma’ gambli mixwija


  • pakkett spagetti frisk
  • bott qlub tal-qaqoċċ
  • 3 sinniet tewm
  • lumija
  • 100g ġobon parmiġġjan maħkuk
  • 100g lewż blanched
  • nofs kuċċarina bżar aħmar pikkanti mqatta’
  • 200ml żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • 8 gambli kbar
  • 8 iflieli pancetta


Agħmel il-pesto billi tħawwad flimkien it-tewm, il-meraq tal-lumi u l-qoxra, il-lewż, il-parmiġġjan, il-bżar aħmar u l-qlub tal-qaqoċċ b’biżżejjed żejt taż-żebbuġa biex tagħmel pesto li ma fihx biċċiet sħaħ. Sussegwentement, qaxxar il-gambli, ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar u rrombla fil-pancetta. Saħħan taġen u ixwi l-gambli malajr għal minuta jew tnejn miż-żewġ naħat. Sajjar malajr l-għaġin frisk iffriżat għal 2 minuti f’ilma jagħli bil-melħ. Poġġi ġo taġen kbir, flimkien mal-pesto u kuċċarun mimli bil-likwidu tat-tisjir tal-għaġin u itfagħhom flimkien. Servi l-ispagetti immedjatament fi platti tal-għaġin bil-gambli tal-pancetta fuq nett.

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