Cranberry, walnut and chocolate Bundt cake with drizzled amaretto ganache
For the cake
- 125g butter
- 170g icing sugar
- 130ml eggs
- 150g `00` plain flour
- 70g cocoa powder
- 1 tsp baking powder
- good pinch nutmeg
- good pinch Chinese 5 spice
- 80g cherries
- 80g dried cranberries
- 50g walnuts
- Zest of an orange
- 50g plain yogurt
- 75ml milk
For the ganache
- 250g cream (Elmlea)
- 250g dark chocolate, chopped
- 1 tsp coffee granules
- 3 tbsp. amaretto liqueur
- You will also need berries and chocolate decorations
Place the butter and icing sugar in a large bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Stir in the eggs one at a time. Sift in the flour, baking powder and spices, add in the orange zest and mix together well. Finally, stir in the fruit, walnuts, yogurt and milk. Pour the batter into a well greased Bundt tin and bake in the oven at 140°C for 30-40 minutes. Meanwhile make the ganache by melting together the chocolate and cream over a bain-marie then stir in the coffee and liqueur. When the cake is cooled and cooled down, drizzle over the ganache and decorate with berries and chocolate decorations.
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Kejk taċ-ċikkulata tal-cranberry, taċ-ċirasa u tal-ġewż
- 125g butir
- 170g zokkor
- 130ml bajd
- 150g dqiq tat-tip 00
- 70g trab tal-kawkaw
- 12-il g trab tal-ħami
- 4g noċemuskata
- 4g ħames ħwawar Ċiniżi
- 80g ċirasa
- 80g cranberries
- 50g ġewż
- qoxra ta’ larinġa
- 50g jogurt naturali
- 75g ħalib
Ganache tal-amaretto
- 250g krema
- 250g ċikkulata skura
- 75g likur tal-amaretto
- 5g kafè
- passolina ħamra
- Dekorazzjoni tal-Milied
Poġġi l-butir u z-zokkor fi skutella kbira u ħabbat sakemm it-taħlita tkun tidher ħafifa. Żid u ħawwad il-bajd waħda waħda. Għarbel id-dqiq, it-trab tal-ħami u l-ħwawar, żid il-qoxra tal-larinġ u ħawwad sew flimkien. Fl-aħħar, ħawwad il-frott, il-ġewż, il-jogurt u l-ħalib. Ferra’ t-taħlita f’landa (bundt) midluka sew u aħmi fil-forn f’temperatura ta’ 140°C għal 30-40 minuta. Sadanittant ibda pprepara l-ganache billi ddewweb flimkien iċ-ċikkulata u l-krema f’banju marija, imbagħad ħawwad il-kafè u l-likur. Meta l-kejk ikun kesaħ, xerred il-ganache fil-wiċċ u ddekora bil-passolina u dekorazzjonijiet taċ-ċikkulata.
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