
Beef and mozzarella ciabattas with guacamole




For the guacamole
1 bag frozen avocado, defrosted (Asiago)
1 tbsp olive oil
Good pinch chili flakes
Juice 1 lime
Salt and pepper to taste

You will also need
400g beef tagliata or rib-eye
Good drizzle olive oil
2 balls mozzarella di buffola (Zanetti)
2 ciabatta
1 handful rocket leaves
You will also need 2 sheets paper for serving


Start by making the guacamole. Place half of the avocado in a bowl and mush with a fork. Season with salt and pepper and mix in the olive oil, chili flakes and lime juice. Finally, mix in the remaining diced avocado keeping chunky. Next, season the meat with salt, pepper and olive oil and fry in a pan on both sides to your liking. Remove from the pan and allow to sit covered for 3-4 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the ciabatta bread in half and toast in the same pan until crispy. To put together, lay the ciabatta bases and spoon over the guacamole. Slice the beef thinly and lay on top. Next, slice the mozzarella and lay on top, along with rocket leaves and the ciabatta tops. Wrap each ciabatta tightly in a sheet of paper, cut in half diagonally and serve immediately.

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