
Coconut and peanut butter crispy chicken with a honey and mustard dip



crunchy chicken


  • 500g chicken breast (Dewfresh)
  • 150g peanut butter
  • 300g Greek yoghurt (Alpro)
  • 200g breadcrumbs
  • 100g shredded coconut
  • 100g crushed peanuts
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp English mustard
  • Small bunch rocket leaves
  • 1 small red chilly
  • 2 spring onions


In a small bowl, mix together the peanut butter and half of the yoghurt. In another bowl mix the breadcrumbs, coconut and crushed peanuts. Cut the chicken breast into strips and add to the peanut butter mixture. Coat the chicken well then transfer into the coconut crumb and coat completely. Deep fry the chicken strips in hot vegetable oil till golden and crunchy. Meanwhile, mix the remaining yogurt with the honey and mustard and serve on the side with the cooked crispy chicken with rocket leaves to decorate.

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Tiġieġ iqarmeċ bil-butir tal-karawett u l-ġewż tal-indi ma’ dip tal-għasel u l-mustarda


  • 500g sider tat-tiġieġa
  • 150g butir tal-karawett
  • 300g jogurt Grieg
  • 200g frak tal-ħobż
  • 100g ġewż tal-indi mitħun
  • 100g karawett imfarrak
  • 2 imgħaref għasel
  • mgħarfa mustarda Ingliża
  • mazz weraq tal-aruka
  • bżaru aħmar pikkanti
  • 2 basliet ħodor


Fi skutella żgħira, ħawwad flimkien il-butir tal-karawett u nofs il-jogurt. Fi skutella oħra ħallat il-frak tal-ħobż, il-ġewż tal-Indi u l-karawett imfarrak. Qatta’ s-sider tat-tiġieġ fi strixxi u żid mat-taħlita tal-butir tal-karawett. Iksi sew it-tiġieġ, imbagħad ittrasferixxi fil-frak tal-ġewż tal-indi (coconut flakes) u iksi kompletament. Qalli l-istrixxi tat-tiġieġ fiż-żejt veġetali jaħraq sakemm jieħdu kulur dehbi u jiġu jqarmċu. Sadanittant, ħawwad il-jogurt li jifdal mal-għasel u l-mustarda u servi fil-ġenb mat-tiġieġ iqarmċu msajra bil-weraq tal-aruka biex iżżejjen.

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