Salmon Supreme with creamed leeks and crusty wedges
- 2 large potatoes, cut into wedges
- 1 tbsp. sweet paprika
- Salt and pepper
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 2 salmon supreme fillets
- 6 cherry tomatoes
- 50g garlic butter (Camel)
- 4 king prawns
- ¼ glass white wine
- 1 tsp parsley
- 2 small leeks
- 100ml cooking cream (Cucina d’oro)
- 3 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
Place the potato wedges onto a baking tray and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle over the paprika and season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven at 200°C for 20-25 minutes. Meanwhile, pan-fry the salmon on both sides in a hot pan with a little olive oil. Transfer to a baking dish, pop in the cherry tomatoes and continue to bake in the oven for 8 minutes. In the same pan sauté the prawns in a knob of garlic butter, splash in the wine and simmer to evaporate. Finish with a good pinch of fresh parsley. Next, slice the leeks and sauté in salted butter until soft. Add in the cream and Parmesan and cook gently till thickened. To serve, place the potatoes crossed in the middle of 2 plates and spoon over the creamed leeks. Place the salmon on top, arrange the cherry tomatoes around the plate and serve.
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Salamun Supreme bil-kurrat ma’ crusty wedges
- 2 flettitas-salamun
- 2 kurrat żgħar
- 100ml krema tat-tisjir
- 3 imgħaref ġobon parmiġġjan maħkuk
- ftit butir tat-tewm
- 4 gambli kbar
- 6 tadamiet ċirasa
- mgħarfa tursin imqatta’
- 2 patatiet kbar
- mgħarfa paprika ħelwa
- kwart ta’ tazza nbid abjad
Poġġi l-wedges tal-patata fuq trej tal-ħami u roxx fuqhom ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa. Roxx ukoll il-paprika u ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar. Sajjar fil-forn f’ 200°C għal 20-25 minuta. Sadanittant, aqli s-salamun fuq iż-żewġ naħat f’taġen jaħraq bi ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa. Ittrasferixxi għal dixx tal-ħami, żid it-tadam ċirasa u kompli aħmi fil-forn għal 8 minuti. Fl-istess taġen qalli l-gambli kbar fi ftit butir tat-tewm, żid l-inbid u ħalliha ttektek biex tevapora. Spiċċa bi ftit tursin frisk. Sussegwentement, qatta’ l-kurrat u qalli f’butir immellaħ sakemm ikun artab. Żid il-krema u l-parmiġġjan u sajjar bil-mod sakemm jiħxien. Biex isservi, poġġi l-wedges tal-patata fin-nofs ta’ 2 platti u ferra’ fuqha l-kurrat kremuż. Poġġi s-salamun fil-wiċċ, u rranġa t-tadam ċirasa madwar il-platt u servi.
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