
Sweetcorn and Greek cheese fritters with crispy bacon and maple syrup




2 eggs (Coccodi)
100ml milk
65g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
400g frozen sweetcorn, defrosted (Emborg)
150g crumbled Greek cheese (Emborg)
2 sliced spring onions
Good pinch chilli flakes
2 tbsp chopped fresh basil or coriander
1 packet streaky bacon
2 tbsp maple syrup for serving


Start by placing the bacon onto a baking tray and grill until golden brown and crispy. Meanwhile, make the fritters by whisking together the eggs, flour, baking powder and milk. Stir in the sweetcorn, crumbled cheese, spring onions, chili flakes and fresh herbs. Heat some olive oil and a large pan and fry spoonfuls of the batter into golden brown fritters. To serve, stack the fritters alternatively onto plates with the crispy bacon in between. Finish off drizzled with maple syrup and garnished with micro greens or extra herbs.

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