
Sweet Easter Apostles bread




For the dough

  • 600g strong bread flour
  • Pinch salt
  • 150g sugar
  • 100g butter, diced
  • 1 tsp ground cloves
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp ground nutmeg
  • 2 tsp toasted aniseed – ħlewwa
  • 1 tbsp orange blossom water – ilma-zhar
  • 1 x 11g sachet dried yeast
  • 250g dried mixed fruit
  • 250-300ml warm water

You will also need

  • Beaten egg
  • 1 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
  • 8 glace cherry halves
  • 8 whole toasted almonds
  • 100g icing sugar


To make the dough, place the flour, salt, sugar, butter, spices and yeast in a food processor and pulse together for 10 seconds. Add in the orange blossom water and enough warm water to pulse into a soft pliable dough. Mix in the processor for 40 seconds as this will be kneading the dough. Allow to rise for 40 minutes or until double in size. When ready, knock out the air and lightly knead in the dried mixed fruit. Roll into a large sausage, wet the ends and stick together forming a ring. Place onto a floured baking tray and allow to rise till double in size again. Carefully brush with the beaten egg and bake in the oven at 200`c for 30-35 minutes, or until cooked through. Meanwhile, mix the icing sugar with a little water to produce a glace icing. As soon as the ring comes out of the oven, brush all over with the glace icing and decorate the top with the toasted sesame seeds, glace cherry halves and toasted almonds.

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Ħobża ħelwa tal-appostli



  • 600g dqiq għall-ħobż
  • ftit melħ
  • 150g zokkor
  • 100g, butir imqatta
  • kuċċarina qronfol mitħun
  • kuċċarina kannella mitħuna
  • nofs kuċċarina noċemuskata mitħuna
  • 2 kuċċarini aniżetta – ħlewwa
  • mgħarfa ilma zhar
  • 11g qartas ħmira
  • 250g frott imnixxef imħallat
  • 250-300ml ilma sħun

Se jkollok bżonn ukoll

  • bajda imħabbta
  • mgħarfa żerriegħa tal-ġulġlien
  • 8 nofsijiet taċ-ċirasa
  • 8 lewżiet sħaħ
  • 100g ‘icing sugar’


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