
Summer strawberry pavlova




  • 4 egg whites
  • 250g caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 heaped tsp corn flour
  • 1 tsp white vinegar
  • 250ml whipping cream
  • 600g strawberries, washed and hulled
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar


To make the meringue, take a large bowl and whip up the egg whites to stiff peaks. Add in the caster sugar, a tablespoonful at a time, mixing well after each addition till you have a thick, glossy meringue. Finally mix in the vanilla essence, corn flour and vinegar. Take a large baking sheet and cover with baking paper. Put a dinner plate on top and draw around it so that you have a circle drawn on the baking paper. Spread the meringue mixture into the circle, making the outer edge thicker than the center. Place the meringue the oven at 140`c, on the middle shelf and bake for 40 minutes. When ready, turn off the heat and leave in the meringue in the oven until completely cold. Meanwhile, take 200g of the strawberries and place into a food processor with 1 tablespoon of the icing sugar, and pulse to a smooth sauce. Pass the mixture through a sieve to remove the seeds and pieces and discard. Put the strawberry sauce to one side while you whip the cream with the remaining icing sugar to stiff peaks. Take the cooled meringue, and place it on a large serving plate. Spread the whipped cream into the center of the meringue and place the remaining strawberries all over the top, side by side to cover the cream. Chill the strawberry pavlova for at least 30 minutes. Just before serving the summer strawberry Pavlova, drizzle the strawberry sauce over the top of the strawberries.
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Pavlova sajfija tal-frawli


  • l-abjad ta’ 4 bajdiet
  • 250g zokkor fin (caster sugar) kuċċarina essenza tal-vanilla
  • kuċċarina mburġata cornflour kuċċarina ħall abjad
  • 250ml krema li titħabbat
  • 600g frawli maħsula u mnaddfa
  • 2 kuċċarini zokkor tal-ġelu (icing sugar)


Biex tagħmel il-meringue, ħabbat l-abjad tal-bajd fi skutella kbira sakemm ittella’ l-ixkuma. Żid iz-zokkor fin, mgħarfa mgħarfa, u ħawwad sew bejn mgħarfa u oħra sakemm tifforma taħlita magħquda u tleqq. Żid l-essenza tal-vanilla, il-cornflour u l-ħall. Iksi tilar kbir b’karta forn. Poġġi platt kbir fuq il-karta u mmarka ċirku madwaru. Itfa’ t-taħlita tal-meringue fiċ-ċirku. Itfa’ aktar taħlita lejn max-xifer biex it-tarf jiġi eħxen min-nofs. Daħħal it-tilar fil-forn fl-ixkaffa tan-nofs f’temperatura ta’ 140oC għal 40 minuta. Meta tkun lesta, itfi u ħalli l-meringue fil-forn sakemm tiksaħ. Imbagħad poġġi 200g frawli ma’ kuċċarina zokkor tal-ġelu f’food processor u ħabbat ftit ftit sakemm ikollok taħlita ratba. Wara għaddi t-taħlita minn passatur biex tneħħi ż-żerriegħa u l-biċċiet tal-frawli. Poġġi t-taħlita tal-frawli f’ġenb. Ħabbat il-krema maz-zokkor tal-ġelu li jkun fadal biex ikollok taħlita magħquda. Oħroġ il-meringue u poġġiha fuq platt kbir. Ifrex il-krema mħabbta fin-nofs tagħha u itfa’ l-frawli li jkun fadal fil-wiċċ. Kessaħ il-pavlova tal-frawli għal mill-anqas 30 minuta. Qabel isservi ferrex ftit mit-taħlita tal-frawli fil-wiċċ.

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