Roast chicken, sausage and vegetable quiche
- 1 x pre-rolled sheet of short or puff pastry
- Ready cooked left-over vegetables (Cauliflower, carrots, zucchini)
- 1 packet left-over cooked breakfast sausages, sliced (Dewfresh)
- 1 left-over roasted chicken breast, diced (Dewfresh)
- 6 eggs
- 300ml fresh cream (Benna)
- 300ml milk (Benna)
- 1 tbsp. chopped parsley
- ½ tsp grated nutmeg
- 1 x 150g Brie cheese wheel (Ermitage)
- 2 tbsp. cranberry sauce
- 1 tsp sesame seeds
Use the pastry to line a 25cm round greased flan dish, allowing the excess to overlap over the rim.
Allow to sit in fridge for 30 minutes. When ready, brush the pastry base with cranberry sauce and fill with the pre-cooked vegetables, chicken and sausages. Break the eggs into a large bowl and whisk briskly. Pour in the fresh cream, milk, parsley and nutmeg and whisk together again. Pour the mixture over the pie filling, sprinkle heavily with sesame seeds, drizzle with olive oil and bake at 160°C for 40 minutes or till golden and set.
our sponsors
Quiche tat-tiġieġ, zalzett u ħaxix
- folja għaġina sfiljurata lesta
- ħaxix imsajjar lest – pastarda, karrotti, qarabagħlija
- pakkett zalzett imsajjar lest
- sider tat-tiġieġ imsajjar
- 6 bajdiet
- 300ml krema friska
- 300ml ħalib
- tursin imqatta’
- nofs kuċċarina noċemuskata maħkuka
- ġobon Brie
- zalza tal-cranberry
- żerriegħa tal-ġulġlien
Uża l-għaġina biex tiksi dixx flan tond bix-xaħam ta’ 25cm, ħalli ż-żejjed jaqa’ fuq it-tarf. Ħalliha toqgħod fil-friġġ għal 30 minuta. Meta tkun lesta, idlek il-bażi tal-għaġina biz-zalza tal-cranberry u imla bil-ħaxix imsajjar minn qabel, bit-tiġieġ u z-zalzett. Kisser il-bajd fi skutella kbira u ħawwad malajr. Ferra’ l-krema friska, il-ħalib, it-tursin u n-noċemuskata u erġa’ ħawwad flimkien. Ferra’ t-taħlita fuq il-mili tat-torta, roxx biż-żerriegħa tal-ġulġlien u ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa u aħmi f’temperatura ta’ 160°C għal 40 minuta jew sakemm tieħu kulur dehbi.
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