
Rabbit braised in red wine with chestnuts, shallots and celery

Serves: 4



  • 1 rabbit, cut into pieces
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 12 shallots, peeled
  • 2 sticks celery, sliced
  • 2 carrots, diced
  • 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 3 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 500ml red wine
  • 400ml chicken stock
  • Fresh seasoning
  • 50g dried chestnuts
  • Chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 piece dark chocolate


Start by dipping the rabbit pieces into flour, coating them completely. (This will help to thicken the wine sauce). In a large pan, heat the oil and butter till hot, and then add the garlic and rabbit pieces. Brown the rabbit pieces on both sides, as this will seal in their juices. It should take around 5 or 6 minutes. Remove the rabbit pieces from the pan, and put to one side while you continue to cook the remaining ingredients. In the same pan, add the whole shallots, celery and carrots and soften for 5 minutes. Tie up the thyme, rosemary and bay leaves with some string, and then pop them into the pan, along with the browned rabbit pieces. Pour over the red wine and chicken stock, season well with pepper and salt, and bring to the boil. Add the dried chestnuts, lower the heat, and leave to simmer for about 45minutes, to an hour. By this time the rabbit and vegetables should be soft and tender. Remove the herbs from the pan, and add the piece of chocolate to the pan. Mix the chocolate so that it melts into the red wine sauce. The sauce should be thick enough to serve, but if it is too loose, thicken slightly with some corn flour. When ready, serve the rabbit in large deep plates, with the delicious red wine sauce with tender vegetables. Sprinkle with parsley and serve with garlic and herb mash, and warm crusty bread.
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View Maltese Italian Trulli

Fenek fl-inbid aħmar bil-qastan, basal u karfus


  • fenek, imqatta’ f’biċċiet
  • 3 mgħaref dqiq
  • 4 sinniet tewm, imqattgħin
  • mgħarfa butir
  • mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • 12-il basla żgħira, imqaxxra
  • 2 izkuk tal-karfus, imqattgħin roti
  • 2 zunnarijiet, imqattgħin f’dadi
  • 2 biċċiet klin frisk
  • 3 biċċiet sagħtar frisk
  • 3 werqiet rand
  • 500ml nbid aħmar
  • 400ml stokk tat-tiġieġ
  • ħwawar friski
  • 50g qastan niexef
  • tursin frisk imqatta’
  • biċċa ċikkulata skura


Ibda billi tiksi l-biċċiet tal-fenek bid-dqiq minn kullimkien. (Dan jgħin biex iz-zalza tal-inbid tagħqad). F’taġen kbir, saħħan iż-żejt u l-butir, imbagħad itfa’ t-tewm u l-biċċiet tal-fenek. Qallihom għal madwar 5 jew 6 minuti sakemm jiħmaru biex b’hekk tissiġilla l-meraq tagħhom. Neħħi l-biċċiet tal-fenek u warrabhom f’ġenb sakemm tkompli ssajjar l-ingredjenti l-oħra. Fl-istess taġen itfa’ l-basal sħiħ, il-karfus u z-zunnarija u sajjarhom għal 5 minuti sakemm jirtabu. Orbot il-weraq tal-klin, tas-sagħtar u tar-rand b’biċċa spaga u itfagħhom fit-taġen mal-biċċiet tal-fenek. Itfa’ l-inbid aħmar u l-istokk tat-tiġieġ, ħawwar bil-bżar u l-melħ u ħallih jiftaħ jagħli. Żid il-qastan, baxxi n-nar u ħalli l-fenek itektek għal madwar 45 minuta sa siegħa. F’dan il-ħin il-fenek u l-ħaxix jirtabu u jsiru tarjin. Neħħi l-ħwawar mit-taġen u żid iċ-ċikkulata. Ħawwadha biex iddub fiz-zalza tal-inbid aħmar. Iz-zalza għandha tagħqad imma jekk tkun għadha maħlula, għaqqadha bi ftit corn flour. Meta l-fenek isir, servih maz-zalza tal-inbid aħmar u l-ħaxix fi platti fondi. Ferrex ftit tursin fil-wiċċ u servi l-fenek mal-patata maxx bit-tursin u l-ħwawar, b’ħobż frisk iqarmeċ.

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