Peanut, almond and date bars
For the Base
- 165g roasted almonds
- 25g cocoa powder
- 1 pinch sea salt
- 200g dried dates
For the filling
- 250g crunchy peanut butter (Whole Earth)
- 1 tbsp. maple syrup
- Pinch sea salt
For the topping
- 150g dark chocolate, chopped
- 1 tbsp. coconut oil (Good Earth)
- 50g roasted unsalted peanuts
Start by lining a square lining a 8 x 8 tin with baking paper. Place all of the base ingredients in a food processor and blitz together to a paste. Press into the base of the tin and even out. Mix together the peanut butter, maple syrup and salt and spread evenly over the base. Place into the freezer for 30 minutes. When ready, melt the dark chocolate and mix in the coconut oil and peanuts. Spread this mixture over the frozen mixture, spreading out immediately. Allow to harden for 5 minutes then cut into squares or bars.
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Bars tal-karawett, il-lewż u t-tamal
- 165g lewż inkaljat
- 25g trab tal-kawkaw
- niskata melħ
- 200g tamal imnixxef
- 250g butir tal-karawett iqarmeċ
- mgħarfa xropp taz-zokkor tal-aġġru (maple syrup)
- melħ
- 150g ċikkulata skura
- mgħarfa żejt tal-ġewż tal-indi (coconut)
- 50g karawett mingħajr melħ
Ibda billi tiksi landa kwadra ta’ 8 x 8 pulzieri b’karta tal-ħami. Poġġi l-ingredjenti għall-bażi kollha fi processor tal-ikel u ħawwad flimkien sakemm jifforma pejst. Agħfas fil-bażi tal-landa b’mod indaqs. Ħallat flimkien il-butir tal-karawett (peanut butter), ix-xropp tal-aġġru (maple syrup) u l-melħ u ferrex indaqs fuq il-bażi. Poġġi fil-friża għal 30 minuta. Meta tkun lest, dewweb iċ-ċikkulata skura u ħawwad fiż-żejt tal-ġewż tal-Indi u l-karawett. Ifrex din it-taħlita fuq it-taħlita ffriżata. Ħalliha tibbies għal 5 minuti imbagħad qatta’ fi kwadri jew biċċiet.
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