
Pasta dome




For the meat SAUCE

  • 1 tsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Small onion
  • 450g Ground Beef
  • 1/2tsp Thyme
  • 250g Tomato Sauce
  • 1 Beef Stock Cube

For the pasta mix

  • 4 Eggs
  • 100ml Sour Cream
  • 50g Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • Fresh Chopped Parsley
  • 500g Cooked Capellini Pasta

For the filling and topping

  • 100g mozzarella (Benna)
  • 100g Cooked Spinach (ideally the frozen one)
  • 100g Ricotta Cheese (Benna)
  • 50g Plain Tomato Sauce
  • 20g Béchamel sauce
  • 100g Grated Parmesan Cheese


Start with the meat sauce. On a medium/high heat fry the onion in a teaspoon of olive oil until it becomes translucent. This should take about 5 minutes. Add the ground beef, thyme, and season to taste.  Stirring continuously cook the meat until it’s nicely browned. Add the tomato sauce and beef cube and stir until it comes to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes until the sauce is nicely thickened. If it’s too watery, cook for longer or add a teaspoon of corn flour. You do not need a watery sauce. Turn it off and allow it to cool down. Boil the pasta as per instructions and let it cool a bit. In a small bowl combine the eggs, sour cream, parmesan, and parsley. Add some freshly ground pepper. Add this mixture to the pasta. Mix well. To assemble, line an oven-proof 22cm bowl with baking paper and place some pasta mixture at the bottom. Create a ‘nest’ covering the edges and fill it with Asiago cheese followed by the spinach. Make sure that you create a pasta ‘wall’ between the fillings and the bowl. Cover the spinach with more pasta and press down firmly with a spoon so you’ll get a compact result. Add the ricotta and some parmesan and repeat the pasta process. Finally, create a thicker pasta ‘wall’ and fill it with the meat sauce. Add some more parmesan. Add the remaining pasta and press firmly. You should fill the bowl to the brim. Cover everything with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated 200°c oven for 30 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes until you get some color on the surface. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool down for at least 30 minutes. Carefully flip it upside down on a round baking dish, remove the bowl and baking paper, and top the dome with plain tomato sauce, béchamel and grated parmesan. Bake in a preheated 220°c oven for 20 – 30 minutes or until it goes golden brown.

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Pasta Dome


Għaz-Zalza tal-laħam:

  • kuċċarina żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • basla żgħira
  • 450g ikkapuljat taċ-ċanga
  • nofs kuċċarina sagħtar
  • 250g zalza tat-tadam
  • dada tal-istokk taċ-ċanga

Għat-taħlita tal-għaġin:

  • 4 bajdiet
  • 100ml sour cream
  • 50g ġobon parmiġġjan maħkuk
  • tursin imqatta’ frisk
  • 500g għaġin Capellini (tarja)

Għall-mili u għall-wiċċ:

  • 100g ġobon Asiago
  • 100g spinaċi msajra (tal-friża)
  • 100g irkotta
  • 50g zalza tat-tadam
  • 20g bexamella
  • 100g ġobon parmiġġjan maħkuk


Ibda billi tipprepara z-zalza tal-laħam. Fuq nar medju / għoli aqli l-basla ġo kuċċarina żejt taż-żebbuġa sakemm issir. Dan għandu jieħu madwar 5 minuti. Żid iċ-ċanga mitħuna, is-sagħtar, u l-bżar u l-melħ. Ħawwad kontinwament sakemm il-laħam ikun ismar sewwa. Żid iz-zalza tat-tadam u l-kubu taċ-ċanga u ħawwad sakemm tagħli. Naqqas in-nar u ħalliha ttektek għal madwar 20 minuta sakemm iz-zalza tiħxien sewwa. Jekk ikun fiha wisq ilma, sajjar għal iktar żmien jew żid kuċċarina dqiq tal-qamħ. M’għandekx bżonn zalza mmerrqa. Itfiha u ħalliha tiksaħ. Għalli l-għaġin skont l-istruzzjonijiet u ħallih jiksaħ ftit. Fi skutella żgħira għaqqad il-bajd, il-krema, il-parmiġġjan u t-tursin. Żid ftit bżar mitħun frisk. Żid din it-taħlita mal-għaġin. Ħawwad sew. Ħejji skutella ta’ 22ċm bil-karta tal-forn u poġġi ftit taħlita tal-għaġin fil-qiegħ. Oħloq ‘bejta’ li tkopri t-truf u imla bil-ġobon Asiago segwit mill-ispinaċi. Kun żgur li toħloq ‘ħajt’ tal-għaġin bejn il-mili u l-iskutella. Għatti l-ispinaċi b’aktar għaġin u agħfas sewwa b’kuċċarina sabiex ikollok riżultat kompatt. Żid l-irkotta u ftit parmeġġjan u rrepeti l-proċess tal-għaġin. Fl-aħħar nett, oħloq ‘ħajt’ tal-għaġin eħxen u imla biz-zalza tal-laħam. Żid ftit aktar parmiġġjan. Żid l-għaġin li jifdal u agħfas sewwa. Għandek timla l-iskutella sax-xifer. Għatti kollox bil-fojl tal-aluminju u aħmi ġo forn  f’temperatura ta’ 200°c imsaħħan minn qabel għal 30 minuta. Neħħi l-fojl u aħmi għal 10 minuti oħra sakemm ikollok ftit kulur fil-wiċċ. Neħħi mill-forn u ħallih jiksaħ għal mill-inqas 30 minuta. Aqleb bir-reqqa rasu ’l isfel fuq dixx tond tal-ħami, neħħi l-iskutella u l-karta tal-ħami, u ferra’ fil-wiċċ iz-zalza tat-tadam , il-bechamel u l-parmiġġjan maħkuk. Sajjar f’forn f’temperatura ta’ 220°c imsaħħan minn qabel għal 20 – 30 minuta jew sakemm isir kulur kannella dehbi.

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