
Low-fat apple crumble with oats and sesame seeds.

Serves: 4



  • 150g porridge oats (QUAKER)
  • 40g ground almonds
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 50g unsalted butter
  • 2 tbsp honey.
  • 900g apples, cored, peeled and chopped
  • 10 cardamon pods, slightly crushed
  • Juice and zest of an orange
  • 2 tbsp demerara sugar
  • low-fat Greek yogurt


Start this recipe by stewing the apples in a small saucepan with the oreange zest and juice, cardamon pods and 1 tablespoon of the demerara sugar. This should take only 10 minutes. Remove the saucepan off the heat and pour the mixture into the base of an oven-proof dish. Meanwhile, prepare the oat topping by mixing together the porridge oats, ground almonds, sesame seeds and cinnamon in a bowl. Melt the honey and butter together, then add to the oat mixture. Mix together well using a spoon, then scatter the mixture all over the cooked apples. Finally, sprinkle over the remaining spoonful of demerara sugar and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at 200`c, or until golden brown. You can serve the hot apple crumble with a generous helping of low-fat Greek yogurt.

Suggested accompanying wine: DELICATA Casella Moscato Sweet white wine

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Apple crumble bil-ħafur u l-ġunġlien bi ftit xaħam


  • 150g porridge oats (QUAKER)
  • 40g lewż mitħun; mgħarfa żerriegħa tal-ġunġlien
  • kuċċarina trab tal-kannella
  • 50g butir bla melħ; 2 mgħaref għasel
  • 900g tuffieħ, imqaxxar, mingħajr żerriegħa u mqatta’
  • 10 cardamom pods, imfarrka
  • il-meraq u l-qoxra maħkuka ta’ larinġa
  • 2 mgħaref zokkor demerara
  • jogurt Grieg bi ftit xaħam


Għalli t-tuffieħ f’kazzola żgħira mal-meraq u l-qoxra maħkuka tal-larinġa, il-cardamom pods u mgħarfa zokkor għal 10 minuti. Itfi n-nar u itfa’ t-taħlita f’dixx. Sadattant ħallat il-ħafur, il-lewż mitħun, il-ġunġlien u l-kannella fi skutella. Dewweb l-għasel u l-butir flimkien u żidhom mat-taħlita tal-ħafur. Ħawwad sew b’mgħarfa imbagħad ferrex it-taħlita fuq it-tuffieħ. Ferrex ukoll iz-zokkor li jkun fadal u sajjar fil-forn, f’temperatura ta’ 200oC għal 30 minuta, jew sakemm jiħmar il-wiċċ. Tista’ sserviha sħuna mal-jogurt Grieg.

L-inbid issuġġerit: DELICATA Casella Moscato Sweet white wine

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