Lemon Barley and spinach risotto with Crispy chicken and bacon
- 1 knob butter
- 1 onion, chopped
- 3 gloves garlic, chopped
- 1 tsp lemon zest
- 8 anchovy fillets
- 1 cup barley, rinsed well
- ½ glass white wine
- 2 cups chicken stock
- 4 slices streaky bacon
- 4 pieces breaded chicken fillets (Dewfresh)
- 50g grated parmesan
In a small pan, melt the butter and sauté` the together the onion, garlic, anchovies and lemon zest until softened. Add the barley and a drop of olive oil and stir well. Pour in the white wine to evaporate then pour in the stock and bring to the boil. When ready, Reduce the heat and cook for 15-20 minutes until soft. Meanwhile grill the chicken and bacon slices until both are crispy. Stir the Parmesan cheese into the risotto then spoon the barley into large bowls with the grilled bacon and chicken on top.
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Risotto tax-Xgħir bil-lumi u l-ispinaċi mat-tiġieġ iqarmeċ u l-bejken
- kikkra xgħir
- basla
- 3 sinniet tewm
- lumija
- 2 kikkri stokk tat-tiġieġ
- nofs tazza nbid abjad
- 4 strixxi bejken
- 8 fletti tal-inċova
- 50g parmiġġjan maħkuk
- 4 biċċiet ta’ fletti tat-tiġieġ bil-panura
F’taġen żgħir, dewweb il-butir u qalli flimkien il-basla, it-tewm, l-inċova u l-qoxra tal-lumija sakemm tirtab. Żid ix-xgħir u qatra żejt taż-żebbuġa u ħawwad sewwa. Ferra’ l-inbid abjad u ħallih jevapora, imbagħad ferra’ l-istokk u ħallih jagħli. Meta tkun lest, naqqas in-nar u sajjar għal 15-20 minuta sakemm ikun artab. Sadanittant ixwi l-flieli tat-tiġieġ u l-bejken sakemm it-tnejn ikunu jqarmċu. Ħawwad il-ġobon parmiġġjan fir-risotto, imbagħad poġġi x-xgħir fi skutelli kbar bil-bejken mixwi u t-tiġieġ fil-wiċċ.
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