
Home made olive oil focaccia with chicken fillets, crispy onions and red Leicester relish




For the foccacia dough

  • 800g flour
  • 20g salt
  • 10g sugar
  • 18g yeast
  • 100ml extra virgin olive oil + extra to drizzle
  • 250ml warm water
  • 250ml warm milk
  • Fresh rosemary sprigs

For the crispy onion rings

  • 2 onions, peeled and sliced into thick rings
  • 200ml milk
  • Flour for dusting
  • Vegetable oil for deep frying

You will also need

  • 200g cream cheese (Emborg)
  • 1 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp ketchup
  • 1 tbsp. piccalilli relish
  • 1 minced garlic clove
  • 100g red Leicester cheese
  • Grilled breaded chicken fillets (Amadori)
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 lollo rosso lettuce


Start this recipe by soaking the onion rings in the milk for 30 minutes. For the dough, combine the flour, sugar, salt, yeast and olive oil in a mixing bowl and knead into a soft dough with the warmed milk and water. Transfer onto a lightly floured surface and knead for further 5 minutes, rub with olive oil and put in a large bowl, cover and place in a warm place for 1 hour and allow to prove. Grease a rectangular baking tray with olive oil, transfer the dough in and press with your finger tips to spread and fill in evenly. Press your finger tips into the dough sheet, drizzle with the extra oil and sprinkle with chopped rosemary. Cover and allow to prove for further 30 minutes. Bake in a hot oven temp 200°C for 20-25 minutes or until cooked. Meanwhile, dip the soaked onion rings into the flour to coat, then into the milk again, followed by the flour. Deep fry in hot oil until golden and drain on kitchen paper to remove any excess oil. For the dressing, beat the cream cheese together with the mayonnaise, ketchup, piccalilli, crushed garlic and red Leicester cheese. To serve, cut slabs of focaccia, split and fill with the dressing, salad leaves and tomatoes, grilled chicken fillets and crispy onion rings.

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Focaccia taż-żejt taż-żebbuġa magħmula d-dar ma’ fletti tat-tiġieġ, basal iqarmeċ, u red Leicester relish



  • 800g dqiq
  • 20g melħ
  • 10g zokkor
  • 18g ħmira
  • 100ml żejt taż-żebbuġa
  • 250ml ilma
  • 250ml ħalib
  • klin frisk

Ikollok bżonn ukoll:

  • 2 basliet imqattgħa fi ċrieki ħoxnin
  • ħalib
  • dqiq
  • fletti tat-tiġieġ mixwija bil-panura
  • pakkett ġobon kremuż
  • kuċċarina mayonnaise
  • kuċċarina ketchup
  • mgħarfa Piccalilli relish
  • sinna tewm
  • 100g ġobon Leicester aħmar
  • tadama
  • ħassa lollo rosso


Ibda din ir-riċetta billi tgħaddas iċ-ċrieki tal-basal fil-ħalib għal 30 minuta. Għall-għaġina, għaqqad id-dqiq, iz-zokkor, il-melħ, il-ħmira u ż-żejt taż-żebbuġa fi skutella u għaqqad ġo għaġina ratba bil-ħalib sħun u l-ilma. Ittrasferixxi fuq wiċċ ħafif bid-dqiq u għaqqad għal 5 minuti oħra, għorok biż-żejt taż-żebbuġa u poġġi ġo skutella kbira, għatti u poġġi f’post sħun għal siegħa u ħalliha toqgħod. Idlek trej tal-ħami rettangolari biż-żejt taż-żebbuġa, ittrasferixxi l-għaġina fih u agħfas bit-truf tas-swaba’ biex tifrex u timla b’mod uniformi. Agħfas b’ponot subgħajk fil-folja tal-għaġina, ferrex iż-żejt żejjed u l-klin imqatta’. Għatti u ħalliha toqgħod għal 30 minuta oħra. Sajjar f’forn jaħraq f’temperatura ta’ 200°C għal 20-25 minuta jew sakemm issir. Sadanittant, itfa’ l-basal imxarrab fid-dqiq biex tiksi, imbagħad, erġa’ fil-ħalib, segwit mid-dqiq. Aqli  f’żejt jaħraq sakemm jieħdu kulur dehbi u xxotta fuq karta tal-kċina biex tneħħi ż-żejt żejjed. Għad-dressing, ħabbat il-ġobon kremuż flimkien mal-mayonnaise, il-ketchup, il-piccalilli, it-tewm imfarrak u l-ġobon Leicester aħmar. Biex isservi, aqta’ ċangaturi ta’ focaccia, aqta’ u imla bid-dressing, weraq tal-insalata u tadam, fletti tat-tiġieġ iggriljati u ċrieki tal-basal iqarmeċ.

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