Grilled chicken and pesto arancini
- 2 tbsp. butter
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 1 cup arborio rice
- 1 small glass white wine
- 3 cups hot chicken stock
- 2 tbsp. pesto (Camel)
- 3 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
- 1 chicken breast, grilled and sliced thinly
- 2 balls mozzarella, sliced
- 4-5 tbsp. flour
- 2 eggs, beaten
- Panko breadcrumbs for coating
- Vegetable oil for deep frying
Melt the butter in a pan and soften the onion until soft. Stir in the rice, coat in the butter and cook for 2 minutes. Splash in the white wine to evaporate, then, gradually pour in the hot chicken stock.
Continue until the rice in cooked and absorbs all the liquid. Remove off the heat and stir in the pesto, 1 tbsp. butter and the grated cheese. Pour onto a tray, flatten out and allow to cool down completely. Take a spoon full of rice and mould in the palm of your hands, press in some chicken and mozzarella, cover again with the rice and press to form into the rice balls. At this stage you may freeze the arancini to make it easier to coat in breadcrumbs. If not, carefully coat them in flour, dip into the beaten egg and then roll in panko breadcrumbs. Deep fry the arancini in hot oil until bread crumb coating is golden and crispy. Allow to sit on paper towels to remove any excess oil then serve either hot or cold.
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Arancini tat-tiġieġ u l-pesto
- kikkra ross arborio
- tazza nbid abjad
- 3 kikkri stokk tat-tiġieġ
- mgħarfa butir
- basla mqattgħa fin
- 3 imgħaref ġobon parmiġġjan maħkuk
- sider tat-tiġieġa mixwi
- 2 blalen tal-mozzarella
- pesto
- dqiq
- 2 bajdiet
- Frak tal-ħobż panko
- żejt għall-qali
Dewweb il-butir ġo taġen u rattab il-basla sakemm tkun ratba. Ħawwad ir-ross, iksi ġol-butir u sajjar għal 2 minuti. Ferra’ l-inbid abjad sakemm jevapora, imbagħad, itfa’ gradwalment l-istokk tat-tiġieġ sħun.
Kompli sakemm ir-ross ikun imsajjar u jassorbi l-likwidu kollu. Neħħi minn fuq in-nar u ħawwad il-pesto, mgħarfa butir u l-ġobon maħkuk. Ferra’ fuq trej, iċċattja u ħallih jiksaħ kompletament. Ħu kuċċarina mimlija ross u fforma f’idejk. Agħfas ftit tiġieġ u mozzarella fih u, erġa’ għatti bir-ross u agħfas biex tifforma blalen tar-ross. F’dan l-istadju tista’ tiffriża l-arancini biex tagħmilha aktar faċli biex tiksi bil-frak tal-ħobż. Jekk le, iksihom bir-reqqa bid-dqiq, għaddi mill-bajda mħabbta u mbagħad irrombla fil-frak tal-ħobż. Qalli l-arancini fiż-żejt jaħraq sakemm il-kisja tal-frak tal-ħobż tkun dehbija u tqarmeċ. Ħallihom joqogħdu fuq paper towels biex tneħħi kwalunkwe żejt żejjed, imbagħad servi kemm sħan kif ukoll kesħin.
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