Gluten free peanut and coconut blondies
- 185g smooth peanut butter (Whole Earth)
- 80ml non dairy milk
- 2 tbsp. maple syrup (we have in studio)
- 80g coconut sugar (Good Earth)
- 2 tsp vanilla
- 1 tbsp. flax seed flour
- 60g oat flour
- 30g ground almonds
- 2 tbsp. coconut flour (Good Earth)
- 2 tbsp. corn flour
- Good pinch sea salt
- ½ tsp baking powder
- 1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon
- 150g gluten free chocolate drops
Start this recipe by lining a 8 x 8 inch tin with baking paper. Place the peanut butter, milk, maple syrup, coconut sugar and vanilla into a pan and heat slightly to melt the peanut butter. Remove off the heat. In a medium bowl, mix together all the remaining ingredients, leaving 50g chocolate drops aside. Mix in the peanut butter mixture then transfer into the prepared tin. Spread out evenly. Bake at 180°C for 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool down slightly before cutting into squares. Can be served ether warm or cold.
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Blondies mingħajr glutina tal-karawett u l-ġewż tal-indi (coconut)
- 185g butir tal-karawett
- 80ml ħalib (non dairy)
- 2 imgħaref xropp taz-zokkor tal-aġġru (maple syrup)
- 80g zokkor tal-ġewż tal-indi (coconut)
- 2 kuċċarini vanilja
- mgħarfa dqiq taż-żerriegħa tal-kittien (flax seed flour)
- 60g dqiq tal-ħafur
- 30g lewż mitħun
- 2 imgħaref dqiq tal-ġewż tal-indi (coconut)
- 2 imgħaref dqiq tal-qamħirrun (cornflour)
- niskata melħ
- nofs kuċċarina trab tal-ħami
- kuċċarina u nofs kannella mitħuna
- 150g drops taċ-ċikkulata mingħajr glutina
Ibda din ir-riċetta billi tiksi landa ta’ 8 x 8 pulzieri b’karta tal-ħami. Poġġi l-butir tal-karawett (peanut butter), il-ħalib, ix-xropp tal-aġġru (maple syrup), iz-zokkor tal-ġewż tal-Indi (coconut sugar) u l-vanilja ġo kazzola u saħħan ftit biex iddewweb il-butir tal-karawett. Neħħi minn fuq in-nar. Fi skutella medja, ħawwad flimkien l-ingredjenti kollha li jifdal, u ħalli 50g drops taċ-ċikkulata fil-ġenb. Ħallat magħhom it-taħlita tal-butir tal-karawett, imbagħad, ittrasferixxi fil-landa ppreparata. Ifrex indaqs. Sajjar fil-forn f’temperatura ta’ 180°C għal 20-25 minuta. Ħallih jiksaħ ftit qabel ma taqta’ fi kwadri. Jistgħu jiġu servuti kemm sħan kif ukoll kesħin.
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