
Gateau di patate



gateau de patate


  • 1kg potatoes
  • 3 eggs
  • 50g grated Grana cheese
  • 50ml fresh cream
  • 2 spoons butter
  • 2pkts mixed shredded cheese  (Fior di Vita)
  • 200g sliced smoked ham 
  • 100g Salame Napoli (whole piece)
  • 2 spoons chopped parsley
  • Salt & pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Grated parmesan cheese

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Wash and scrub the potatoes, boil gently with a pinch of salt till soft.
Remove from water and peel whilst still hot. Put the peeled potatoes in a bowl and mash together with the butter with the aid of a masher. Season with salt, pepper, Grana cheese and chopped parsley, mix together, allow cooling slightly and mix in the eggs.
Brush a 20cm pie dish with olive oil and sprinkle with bread crumbs, shake well, making sure the pie dish is covered with the bread crumbs.
Spread with halve of the potato mixture, fill up with the sliced ham and shredded cheese. Chop the salami and sprinkle on top. Cover with the remaining potato mix. Sprinkle top with more breadcrumbs and grated parmesan cheese, bake in a pre-heated oven at 175°C for approximately 20 minutes.

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