
Fried gbejna ravioli




200g Plain flour (Lamb brand)
2 Eggs
A pinch of salt

2 Fresh Ġbejniet (Hanini)
2 Egg Yolks
40g Grated parmesan cheese
Salt & Pepper
1tsp E/V Olive oil (Borges)
1 tbsp Butter (Flora)
Fresh sage


For the filling, drain the ġbejniet in a sieve for about 30 minutes. Combine the yolks with the Parmesan, add the ġbejniet and mix well. Season to taste and set aside. For the dough, place the flour in a bowl. Add the salt and create a well in the middle. Crack the eggs and start combining them until you form a dough. Adjust with little water/flour if it’s too dry or wet. This normally depends on the size of the eggs. Cover the dough with cling film and let it rest for about 30 minutes. Open the dough with a bit of flour at about 1/2cm thickness and use a cookie cutter to create the dough discs. Place the filling into a piping bag (or use a teaspoon) and place some filling in the centre of the disc. Carefully close the ravioli leaving any air bubbles out. Pinch the dough to make sure it’s sealed properly. Boil the ravioli in salted boiling water until they float. This should take about 3-4 minutes. Fry them in oil and butter and a handful of fresh sage until crispy to your liking. Serve with freshly ground pepper. If you prefer to bake them instead, you can do so after boiling. Bake them with béchamel or tomato sauce and drizzled with fresh mozzarella until golden brown.

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