Eggs Benedict with gluten-free crumpets with caramelized bacon
For the crumpets
- 300g gluten-free self raising flour
- 1 tbsp yeast
- 1 ½ tsp sugar
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 400ml warm milk (Benna)
For the Hollandaise sauce
- 100g melted butter
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar (Clearspring)
- 1 tbsp. water
- ½ tsp Dijon mustard
You will also need
- 4 eggs
- 6 slices pancetta
- ½ tsp caster sugar
- 1 handful baby spinach leaves
- knob butter
- Good pinch paprika
For the crumpets, pour the milk in a bowl, whisk in the yeast sugar and salt, cover and place in a warm place for 15 minutes till the mixture becomes frothy. Whisk in the remaining ingredients, cover and allow to prove for further 30 minutes. When ready, heat up a frying pan greased with a little oil. Lay egg rings in the pan, pour in 2 ½ spoons of the crumpet batter in each and cook on moderate heat for approximately 5 minutes. Remove the ring, flip over the crumpets and cook for 2 minutes on the other side.
For the Hollandaise, set a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Place the yolks together with the vinegar, water and mustard in the bowl and whisk until mixture is pale and thick. Whisk in the warm melted butter until it becomes creamy and take of the simmering pan.
Once the crumpets and sauce are ready, poach the eggs in simmering salted water seasoned with apple cider vinegar and wilt the spinach in a small pan with a knob of butter and pan-fry the pancetta and caramelize with the sugar.
To serve, warm up the crumpets and spread lightly with butter. Lay on the spinach, caramelized pancetta and the poached eggs. Finally, spoon over the Hollandaise sauce and sprinkle with the paprika and serve immediately.
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Crumpets mingħajr glutina, bejken ikkaramellizzat u eggs benedict
- 300g dqiq mingħajr glutina
- mgħarfa ħmira
- kuċċarina u nofs zokkor
- nofs kuċċarina melħ
- nofs kuċċarina bikarbonat tas-soda
- 400ml ħalib sħun
Zalza Hollandaise
- 100g butir imdewweb
- 2 isfra tal-bajd
- mgħarfa ħall tas-sidru tat-tuffieħ
- mgħarfa ilma
- nofs kuċċarina mustarda Dijon
- 4 bajdiet
- 6 biċċiet pancetta
- nofs kuċċarina zokkor
- spinaċi
- paprika
Għall-crumpets, ferra’ l-ħalib fi skutella, ħawwad iz-zokkor u l-ħmira, għatti u poġġi f’post sħun għal 15-il minuta sakemm it-taħlita ssir ragħwa. Daħħal l-ingredjenti li jifdal, għatti u ħallih joqgħod għal 30 minuta oħra. Meta tkun lesta, saħħan taġen bi ftit żejt. Poġġi ċrieki tal-bajd fit-taġen, ferra’ 2½ imgħaref tal-batter tal-crumpet f’kull wieħed u sajjar fuq nar moderat għal madwar 5 minuti. Neħħi ċ-ċirku, aqleb il-crumpets u sajjar għal 2 minuti fuq in-naħa l-oħra.
Għall-Hollandaise, poġġi skutella fuq borma bl-ilma jtektek. Poġġi l-isfar flimkien mal-ħall, l-ilma u l-mustarda fl-iskutella u ħawwad sakemm it-taħlita tkun ċara u ħoxna. Ħawwad il-butir imdewweb sħun sakemm isir kremuż u neħħi mit-taġen.
Ladarba l-crumpets u z-zalza jkunu lesti, sajjar (poach) il-bajd f’ilma mielaħ imħawwar bil-ħall tas-sidru tat-tuffieħ kif ukoll sajjar l-ispinaċi f’taġen żgħir bi ftit butir u aqli l-pancetta u kkaramellizzaha biz-zokkor.
Biex isservi, saħħan il-crumpets u idlek ħafif bil-butir. Poġġi fuqhom l-ispinaċi, il-pancetta kkaramellizzata u l-bajd moħmi. Fl-aħħar nett, poġġi fuq iz-zalza Hollandaise u roxx bil-paprika u servi immedjatament.
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