
Cookie and ice-cream carnival pops




  • 1 packet cookies (Tesco)
  • 1 tub ice-cream of your choice
  • Lollypop sticks
  • Melted chocolate (Tesco)
  • Coloured sprinkles (Tesco)


Start this recipe by sandwiching the cookies together with a scoop of ice-cream and stick a lollipop stick into each. Place on a tray and then into the freezer and allow the harden up for 2 hours. Remove from the freezer and immediately dip each cookie pop into the melted chocolate half way up. Cover the chocolate with the sprinkles and serve immediately or otherwise return to the freezer until needed.
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Lollypops bil-‘cookies’ u ġelat


  • pakkett ‘cookies’ (Tesco)
  • ‘tub’ ġelat tal-għażla tiegħek
  • Bsaten tal-‘lollypop’
  • ċikkulata mdewba (Tesco)
  • sprinkles ikkuluriti (Tesco)


Ibda din ir-riċetta billi taqbad scoop tal-ġelat u twaħħal żewġ cookies fuq kull naġa. Waħħal bastun tal-lollipop f’kull waħda. Poġġi fuq trej u iffriża ħalli għal sagħtejn biex jibbiesu. Neħħi mill-friża u immedjatament poġġi kull pop tal-cookie fiċ-ċikkulata mdewba min- ofs ‘il fuq. Għatti ċ-ċikkulata bl-isprinkles u servi mill-ewwel jew nkella erġa’ poġġi fil-friża sakemm teħtieġ isservihom.

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